Is Humanity Really Lost?

I just hope that by writing this will help bring calm to me because I am still emotionally shaken since after witnessing the scene that played out on the road on my way to work this morning. Yesterday I made a post about what causes strong emotional feelings and how to handle them, to which talking about the reason behind the overwhelming emotion is one way.

This morning I woke up feeling a bit emotional about something I couldn't place my hands on. I wasn't happy nor sad, just somewhere in between, I think it's called Euthymic, a feeling of okayness or something like that, or is it confusion? I don't even know 😔. While preparing for work, I was feeling tired and a bit reluctant to go but staying back won't and calling the office won't help either so I had to push myself. I was hoping to snap out of it once I get to the office and busy with work, little did I know that I was going to see this scene on my way.

Even as I type this, my hands are a bit shaky, and eyes already filled with tears which I'm fighting very hard to stop from dropping. I feel cold shivers running through my spine as I remembered what happened. This is one thing I don't really like about myself, things get to me easily. It sucks 😥.

I ask where has humanity gone to? When did we, humans loose touch of humanity that we no longer have empathy for our fellow human?

(Sighs and shakes my head).

We see someone in dire need of help or even a dying person and we go our ways without a feel that this is a human just like us. Oh! the least some of us will even take out their phones to do live videos, snap photos and post in all social media platforms just to trend. We forgot that fate can treat us same way it's treating the person we're passing without helping. No one wishes for bad things to befall them or to be in a helpless situation, but you know, life do happen. And that's why nature made it that we count on our fellow humans whenever life happens to us. But with what I saw this morning, I doubt if one can really count on a fellow man. No wonder the word of God told us not to depend on men because they disappoint.

I am not saying that humanity is totally lost, or that we no longer have people who show empathy for others, or can stand by someone in difficult times, not all. It's just that the number is becoming lesser by the day. I just hope things will improve.

I was on a Keke tricycle going to work, midway into the journey, the lady sitting at the front with the driver shouted "Hei, I hope he's still alive". I looked up because I was pressing my phone then, and asked *what happened, is it an accident?". No one seemed to know what happened. But I saw that there was a hold up and vehicles were moving in slow pace. A Keke tricycle was parked by the roadside, with the headlights and rear lights still on and just few steps away from it, at the middle of the road, lay a young man. I assumed that it was a hit and run case but as we passed him, I saw that it wasn't. He was lying face down, shaking slightly. His already bruised mouth dripping with blood, apparently from his constant movements on the wet ground. He was fighting for his life and no one was doing anything to help. His fellow Keke drivers were passing without a care. The sight shook, I cried inside and asked,

is this not a human being that people are bypassing without helping? Where has humanity gone to?

As the driver moved away from the scene, I told him to park so I can alight. I paid him and went to where the guy lay. Two young men were already standing there still contemplating on what to do. My emotion had already taken hold of me and I didn't even know when I lashed out at them;

why are you still standing there watching a fellow man like you die?.

Is he not a Keke driver just like you?. Can't you help him?. Carry him out of the road first or turn him sideways so he can have air.

No one knows how long he's been lying on that wet ground. Another guy who was there said he's been telling them same thing but it seems they were afraid of getting into any trouble if something worse happens to him. I told them that nothing will happen if only they will act fast. Since his Keke was still there, I told them to carry him straight to the hospital.
Luckily they summoned up courage, carried him and put in the Keke. One of the Keke drivers who helped carry him up and the other one, I guess a passenger who also stopped to help, drove off to the hospital..

Heaving a sigh of relief, I boarded another tricycle to the office and along the way, I kept making silent prayers for him to survive.
I got to the office and broke down, crying, I began to imagine what if I was the one lying down there, is that how people will be passing me without offering to help. Oh God!. The evil happenings and fear of getting into trouble if they help have made people always skeptical to help. At that moment, I just said a silent prayer

Dear God, may I not be at the point of death or in a helpless situation and lack those who will come to my help 🙏.

This is the same prayer I am saying for you, my dear friend who is reading this.

I hope this post will serve as a wake up call for us to be a little humane.

Thank you for reading..

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If you doubt humanity, I always say to myself:

Never stop being a good person because of bad people.

You can only change yourself, never the others. You can only set them a good example and do so without reproach or moralising. What was that again with: Without sin - and throwing stones😇


Very well said, I can only change myself, not others. I can also be good but can't force others to be neither should I condemn them for not being good because we are all different people. If I correct them and they accept fine, if they don't, I leave them be.

I appreciate your insightful contribution.

Muchas gracias 😅. (I hope you will understand)


I've often questioned myself in this regard too ... The society has made it that everyone has turned everything into content creating even at the detriment of another ..

I hope we change


That's so serious. It doesn't make sense at all when we walk past a human being like us in dire need of assistance. Some people do that to avoid trouble, but to me, nothing should stop one from assisting a fellow human. I admire your intervention. Kudos.


I agree, most people do not want to get involved for fear of getting into trouble. But we still have to try to help in the most little way we can.
I appreciate your support.


Hmmm, it's such a sad experience, I pray he survives it though and we pray we never be in such a situation.

It's good to be of help whenever we can because we may never know what may befall us next.

Popped in from Dreemport, always an awesome #dreemerforlife


Amen oo. Thank you for coming around.


My dear it can be anyone that's what people forget, this social media generation has caused more harm than good, people have lost all since of humanity.
I hope he gets more better.



It's really so sad how we have allowed technology make us forget that we are humans.


Just like in a movie I am watching presently, the guy was tired of life and was about to commit suicide by jumping down from a top building, up to six storey building and what people could do was take out their phones and start videoing without trying to help.
Something like this happened in third mainland bridge in Lagos too, where the man wanted to jump into the lagoon and all people were doing is to video him instead of saving a life. That's humanity for us. They'd rather do such and gain traffic to their blog and status rather than saving someone who is helpless.

May we not be a victim where people won't take a step to help when we truly need it. #dreemerforlife


This is so sad. Oh my world. I don't want to say that the advent of phone has caused more harm than good to humanity but that's just what it is.
Amen, my dear.
