Caring for Yourself And Others: The Ultimate Guide to Mindful Living!


In a world where we're often barraged with negativity and stress, it is so easy to forget the power of care. Whether it's self-care or caring for others, little acts of kindness and empathy can go a long way to make a world of difference. And that is why it's so important for one to take the time to nurture both himself or herself including those around them.

In this post, we'll dig into the importance of care and offer practical tips for caring for ourselves and others.

Basically care is showing concern, empathy and support for others. It's about being attentive to the needs and feelings of the people around you. And it's not just about the physical needs, but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.
So whether the care is lending a helping hand, offering your shoulder to someone to cry on, or a listening ear, the end point is for others to feel valued and supported. And in turn, it will make you feel good too.

Going further,

Self-care is all about taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being by incorporating some activities and behaviors that promote health, happiness, and general well-being.

Care is a crucial part of being human, we desire to experience care and when it's lacking in our lives, unhappiness, worry or even depression might set in.

So let's see why caring for yourself and others is vital:

Coming to self-care, practicing self care can help improve your mental health, reduce stress, boost mood, so that you can feel more balanced and content, generally.
Also when you are intentional about self care, you will be more energized and focused to tackle your daily tasks leading to improved productivity.

Now to caring for others, this is one of the proven ways to build a stronger relationship with other. When you show care for others, you deepen your connections and build a support system that can help you through tough times.

This I have proven to be true. When I was in college, there was this male course mate of mine who was having some challenges coping with study and work and being that I wasn't working, I offered to help him with some of the school stuffs, he so grateful because the help came at the nick of time. And that's how we became friends. It's been over a decade plus now and we're still tight, he too have equally helped me out in so many ways.

Some years ago, I had contacted the flu, the cough was having a toll on me, the medications weren't even helping. One day a client called me to make inquiries and while talking with him, I started coughing non-stop. He hung up and after when the cough had seized, I called him back apologizing. He was so understanding and asked how long I've had the flu which I told him including the drugs I was taking. One hour later, he walked right into my office with a paper bag, in it were expensive drugs which he bought for me. He said that they were the drugs he took when he had flu too. I was so moved and grateful for his show of care towards me. The next thing he told me was

The secret of showing care to others is that it has a way of coming back to you, don't stop.

I was moved by his words, Infact I dropped some tears, hehehe. This made me understand this words "he who waters will one day be watered too."

Having said that let's see some practical ways to care for others:

Try to listen

You know there are people who due to their emotional state just need someone they can talk to so being there to lend an ear and offer support will go a long way to help make the person feel better.

Be present

When conversing or relating with others, ensure that you are fully engaged in the conversations or activities. Doing so makes them feel valued and important and they will always want to associate with you.

Offer help

If you notice someone struggling, offer to lend a hand, even if it's just a small gesture.

Most importantly, show kindness - compliment someone's effort, success looks, practice gratitude or tip the doorman etc. Don't forget that any little act of kindness can make someone's day.

Now to some self care tips

Carve out a me-time

All work and no relaxation and play makes one a workaholic, hehehe. It's expressly crucial that you make time for the things you enjoy. Like hobbies - taking a walk, binge watching your favorite movies and shows, reading a good book, or writing etc.

Make your health a priority

Good health is wealth, so they say therefore you should keep in mind that without good health, you cannot make the money neither will you enjoy it. So rest and have enough sleep, eat healthy and nutritious foods, exercise and stay off anything that will bring harm to your body.

Spend time in nature

You can talk a walk in the park, garden, visit the beach, zoo, and other places that are nature imbued.
This is one of the things I love doing, taking a walk around my natural environment, watching the birds as they chirp and fly around, the butterflies, or I can just sit out and enjoy the fresh air.

This simple act of being in nature, admiring and appreciating it's many beautiful gifts can have a calming effect on the mind and body.

Others are

  • Celebrate your small wins and big wins. You can give yourself a treat to that effect, buy something special and affordable for yourself or indulge in a favorite activity or treat.
    This gas stove you see below was one of the gifts from myself to me on my birthday, hehehe

  • Take a break from work, if possible, social media and other distracting factors to rest, recharge your mind and soul.

  • Last but not the least, engage in positive self-talk and affirmations on a daily. Even in the midst of challenges, tell yourself that you shall overcome it and move on to the next phase.
    Above all love yourself with every love in you.

There's no doubt that when we practice all these healthy tips, we would have impacted ourselves and those around us positively.

Many thanks for reading, hope to see you again.

. This is my entry for the #mayinleo, 1st May.

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

Images Are Mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Caring for oneself is very important, without it, little progress can be made on every other thing. Welldone


Very true it's only when one is healthy that they can think of doing other things.
Thanks for coming around.


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I so much love all your tips cos I am already practicing them and it works. Care or self care is very Paramount.

I cannot come and kill myself by myself (in mama gee's voice)


I cannot come and kill myself by myself (in mama gee's voice)

Impossicant now, hehehe. We'll take our self care very serious so we can stay healthy and enjoy our money oo 🤣
Thank you for coming around


This post reminds me one thing I normally say "in all thy doings, always take care of yourself. Life is jeje oo

Great tips you got here. I am currently on celebrating all my wins no matter how little it might be and it is giving me sense of relief.


When we care for ourselves we will be in a better position to care for others, what a great post this is.


I appreciate your contribution.


Loved this. So important to look after ourselves so that we can be better placed to offer grace and kindness to others.



Exactly, even the word of God said love your neighbors as you love yourself. So after loving God, the next person to love is ourselves and it's that love we can then show others.

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.
