Rodando Ando {ES/EN} Ride Along on a Roling Mix


Hoy estoy melancolico y romantico a la vez!
Quiero hablar de ella. Una de ellas. Si estoy muy enamorado, y no de una sino de dos.
Comparto mucho tiempo con ambas, par algunas ocaciones elijo salir con una porque es mas ruda, se siente mass fuerte, tiene razgos bien pronunciados. Muchos dicen que tiene una belleza exotica. Algunos preguntan si pueden salir con ella, si se las presto. Pero claro, eso nunca va a pasar.

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Si es ella, mi bicicleta Helena. No es cualquier bicicleta, no es una bicicleta comun y corriente ella es diferentes a todas. Helena no usa frenos, Helena solo tiene lo elemental que toda bicicleta tiene que tener, pero no usa cambios, no usa frenos ni tampoco suspension. Ella sale a la calle con cubiertas de ciudad, tiene partes de su estructura que son muy especiales y que como la mimo tanto le vy regalando partes nuevas, para que siempre se sienta bien. Le dejo eleggir a ella que le gusta y que no porque en definitiva son para ella. Yo solamente disfruto de su compania.

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La uso casi todos los dias! Ella me acompaña a todos lados. Nunca me deja caminando no se rompe nunca y siendo honesto, la uso muy fuerte! No me tomo muchas precausiones a la hora de usarla. Tiene ruedas de keblar para aguantar el desgaste del asfalto y sus complementos como la maza y los piñones siempre son de los mejores. Uso los mejores rulemanes Japoneses a mi disposicion.

Tiene marcas y detalles por todos lados que en estas fotos no se notan porque las fotos las corregi un poco con edicion para que se vea mass bonita aun. La rueda trasera usa rayos y la rueda de adelante la cambiamos para que tenga un poco mas de agilidad y sea mas liviana para maniobras bruscas.

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Tiene detalles como el manubrio que la hace bastante singular y caracteristica ademass de tener un stean sin angulo. su cuadro es completamente de acero y empipado como le dicen. Esto para los que no conocen de bicicletas es un estilo de biciccleta antigua o clasica que se hacia mucho tiempo atras. Hoy en dia se sigue usando con otras aleaciones y materiales mas livianos segun la marca. Pero ella nacio de una aleacion de acero.

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A veces le cambiamos algunass partes para que no se aburra de salir a la calle siempre igual y cambiamos plato o tambien ruedas que tengo algunos de recambio porque los comparten con mi otro amor. Por suerte podemos convivir los 3 felicies y aunque a veces tenemos algunos celos, somos una pareja de 3 muy moderna y compañera.

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Nunca salimos los 3 juntos porque la gente no lo entenderia, y preferimos hacer nuestra vida los 3 juntos puertas adentro.

Los fines de semana, siempre les hago muchos masajes y ciudo de ellas. Les hago tratamientos de SPA y les limpio cadenas, se las lubrico con teflon, lubrico los rulemanes y si les hace falta las baño integras para que esten hermosas y se relajen un poco despues de cuidarme tanto y llevarme a todos lados, a cualquier hora, sin preguntar y sin decir nada.

Helena es realmente insasiable. Una guerrera de la ciudad, y una compañera perfecta.
Helena Te amo.

Inglish Version

Today I am melancholic and romantic at the same time!
I want to talk about her. One of them. Yes I am very much in love, and not with one but with two.
I spend a lot of time with both of them, but sometimes I choose to go out with one of them because she is tougher, feels massively strong, has well pronounced features. Many say she has an exotic beauty. Some ask if they can date her, if they can borrow her. But of course, that will never happen.

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Yes that's her, my bike Helena. It's not just any bike, it's not an ordinary bike, it's different from all of them. Helena doesn't use brakes, Helena only has the basics that every bike has to have, but she doesn't use gears, she doesn't use brakes and she doesn't use suspension. She goes out on the street with city tires, she has parts of her frame that are very special and because I pamper her so much I give her new parts, so that she always feels good. I let her choose what she likes and what she doesn't like because in the end they are for her. I just enjoy her company.

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I use it almost every day! She goes everywhere with me. She never leaves me walking, she never breaks and to be honest, I use her very hard! I don't take a lot of precautions when using her. It has keblar wheels to withstand the wear and tear of the asphalt and its accessories such as the hub and sprockets are always the best. I use the best Japanese wheels at my disposal.

It has marks and details everywhere that in these photos are not noticeable because I corrected the photos a little with editing to make it look even more beautiful. The rear wheel uses spokes and the front wheel we changed it to have a little more agility and be lighter for sudden maneuvers.

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It has details such as the handlebars that make it quite unique and characteristic besides having a stean without angle. Its frame is completely made of steel and "empipado" as they say. This for those who do not know bicycles is a style of old or classic biciccleta that was done a long time ago. Today it is still used with other alloys and lighter materials depending on the brand. But she was born of a steel alloy.

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Sometimes we change some parts so that he doesn't get bored of going out in the street always the same and we change the chainring or wheels that I have some spare ones because they are shared with my other love. Luckily we can live together happily and although sometimes we have some jealousy, we are a couple of 3 very modern and companionable.

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The 3 of us never go out together because people would not understand, and we prefer to do our life together indoors.

On weekends, I always give them lots of massages and take care of them. I give them SPA treatments and clean their chains, lubricate them with Teflon, lubricate the bearings and if they need it, I bathe them all over so that they look beautiful and relax a little after taking care of me so much and taking me everywhere, at any time, without asking and without saying anything.

Helena is truly amazing. A city warrior, and a perfect companion.
Helena I love you.


Originally posted on DClub Community Articles. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.


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