Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! / How is the new Arachne Weaver?


This week I brought a battle, where I used one of my favorite Splinter, which is the Death. There is a lot of options and strategy to use this Splinter, but most of the time I use it when there is a huge chance that I will face against Magic attack monsters.

Hope you will enjoy the battle like I did! 😇


I used Thaddius Brood as my Summoner and I will use some of the best mosnters from that Splinter. The rulesets will make my decision quite difficult, but I hope my opponent will have the same issue like me! 😁




Blood and SunderAll units gain the Corrosive ability.
FerocityAll monsters have the Fury ability.
Explosive WeaponryAll Monsters have the Blast ability.

The mana cap was 31, which is not that much and that is one of the (many) reason that I like to play with the Death Splinter. They are filled with low mana cost and powerful monsters, but you need to use good strategy with them, because they tend to be quite vulnerable defensive wise. 😊

The Blood and Sunder ruleset will give the Corrosive ability to all the monsters in the battlefield, which means that when they being hit with a Melee attack, a unit with this ability does 2 damage to the attacker's armor and it will reduce the max armor of the attacker by 2. Similar to Thorns, but only affects the enemy Armor instead of their Health.

The Ferocity ruleset will provide the Fury ability to all the monsters on the battlefield, so it would be a really bad idea to use monsters with the Taunt ability, because all the monsters will deal double damage against them using their Fury. 😇

The Explosive Weaponry is one of the strongest and dangerous ruleset in the whole game, because it means that all the monsters will deal damage to their target and all of their adjacent mosnters. 😋


My lineup and the decision behind it!

Thaddius Brood


Thaddius Brood cost only 4 mana and his special abilities is to decrease the Magic and Ranged attack of the enemy monsters, which is quite powerful if the enemy team brings a lot of Magic attack monsters. 😆


Main Tank
Cursed Windeku

The Cursed Windeku is one of the strongest and cheapest tank within the Death Splinter and he is crazy good. His 6 mana cost gives +2 Melee attack and 10 Health, so he will be able to sustain a lot of damage.

He also has the Thorns ability, so if an enemy Melee attack mosnters deal attack to him he will reflect two attack damage back to them. 😇


The Martyr
Venari Marksrat

I used the Venari Marksrat solely, because he has the Martyr ability, which will increase all the stats of his adjacent monsters in case he will die. The Explosive Weaponry ruleset will make sure that he will die quickly, which is amazing! 😜


Meat Ball and mini Damage Dealer

The Riftwing doesn't have any attack at all, but as a 'Weapon Trainee' he will be able to get +2 Magic attack from Skok Duskblight, which makes him a cheap damage dealer instantly. 😌


Damage Dealer and Weapon Trainer
Skok Duskblight

I acquired Skok Duskblight only recently and he is a very powerful monster, because he has the Weapon Trainer ability, so he will be able to give his own Magic attack (up to a maximum of three) to any non-attack monster next to him. 😁


Low budget mini Damage Dealer
Chaos Agent

The Chaos Agent cost only one mana and he is quite weak on its own, but Skok makes him to attack for two Magic attack as well, which will makes him the best value per damage monster in my team. He is a gold foil version as well, so he will increase all the reward by 10% if I win this battle. 🤑


Mass Healer
Arachne Weaver

The Arachne Weaver cost five mana and he is one of the new Rebellion reward card, so he is a fresh monster in the Splinterlands realm.

He has a brand new ability the Corrupted Healing, which means that each round he will restore 70% of max health to allied units, rounded down. Each time a unit is healed, its max health is reduced by 1. That is too good to be true, so I will be curious how good is this ability. 🤗




Click on the picture for the replay


My opponent brought the Octavia Shadowmeld, because he wanted to use a Gladiator card and this Summoner would allow the use of one. She also decrease the Health to all of my mosnters, which is quite bad in the Explosive Weaponry ruleset, where every Health point might make a difference. 😎

The team of my opponent was way stronger than mine, because he had higher levelled mosnters and Summoner, but I hope Thaddius will pull out from this strong battle.

In the first round as I expected I lost my Marksrat straight away and he was able to activate his ability and increase the stats of my Windeku and Riftwing.

My opponent also lost his Marksrat, but his Skok had the Resurrect ability, so he revived him back to life to activate his ability again! 😤

In the second round loads of direct and indirect damage was dealt, but luckily my team managed to kill their Skok using their Blast damage. 😁

I was very lucky in the third round, because their Whistling Damon missed my Riftwing and such he couldn't deal damage with his Blast as well. 😅

The two Arachne were able to heal a lot on both sides and without them the battle would be long over already.

In the fourth round my Windeku missed their tank, so the karma gave back the luck to them, but my team had more monsters and they killed their Arachne in the following round.

Only their Will-O-Wisp and a Fiend left on their side, which was not enough to deal enough damage, so my team managed to win this battle for me! 😇


I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

Thank you so much that you took the time to read my Social Media Challenge for this week. 🙏
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞
