Social Media Challenge | My least favorite ruleset with low mana! 🤫




Today I brought a Wild battle, where I got a ruleset, which I personally do not really like, because it heavily limits what can I bring into the battle. 😕

My upcoming Battle ruleset(s)


Blood and SunderAll Units have the Corrosive Ward ability.
Little LeagueYou can only summon units and summoners that cost 4 or less mana.

The mana cap for my next battle is 21, which is not much, but for the upcoming battle I do not really need more, because the Little League ruleset limits the maximum per monster to four. This means that the maximum mana I could use if I choose only four mana monsters and summoenr will be 28, so the 21 mana cap is not that big of a deal, but I need to use some budget friendly monsters in order to fit into the 10 mana cap. 😇

The Blood and Sunder ruleset means that all the monsters will have the Corrosive Ward ability, which means if a monster with melee attack targets a monster he will receive -2 armor and maximum armor reduction for the rest of the battle. 😏


My lineup

Tarsa cost only four mana and her speciality is that she will increase the Health and melee attack of her friendly monsters by one, which makes her an excellent choice for the Little League ruleset. 😁
The Antoid Platoon cost four mana, which is the maximum I can pick and he is an excellent tank, because he has the Shield ability, which means that he will halves all the incoming melee and ranged attacks. 😇
The Drybone Hobgoblin cost exactly four mana and has quite a nice amount of melee damage. He is able to attack from the second position, because he has the Reach ability. The Immunity will make him immune against any kind of magic debuffs and against the Cripple as well. 🤗
The Uraeus is an amazing monster with huge attack damage for only three mana and even Tarsa manages to increase his stats by one. The Sneak attack is also very good, because he will target the last monster from the enemy team, which should be generally the weakest. 😝
The Scavo Firebolt would be a nice ranged attack monster, but unfortunately Quix decreases his attack by one to only one, which is not that much. I just hope my opponent is not going to bring a monster with the Shield ability as his tank. 🤞
The Scorch Fiend is another budget cut in my lineup, because he cost zero mana and also has two melee attack damage thanks to Tarsa. He is an amazing addition to my team to deal few extra damage for free if it comes to that. 😎
The Kha'zi Conjurer is an intersting monster, because even though he has huge amount of ranged damage, which was decreased by one thanks to Quix. 😋 He has the Incendiary ability which will make him quite dangerous, because at the beginning of the second round and every following round he applies Burning to himself, which will damage him at the beginning of every round by two. More importantly this burning is able to spread to the monsters adjacent to him with a trigger rate of 33%, so he is acting like a time bomb within my team. 😅


The Battle


Please click on the picture if you want to see the replay of the battle.

26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqrAP9TBG3ngbmQff8XmGHioYU3At33cTpyHohG4z2ZWA19cNAtQpXz8JTL2Eth5Vxc1U3ozJdzUmyRRsLcmFgYoQ2JHa18eEtgZCjy2QR4hqU22 (1).png

My opponent brought Quix the Devious, who is a Summoner from the Dragon Splinter and he cost exactly four mana. His power is to decrease the speed and ranged attack damage of the enemy monsters. 😒

Even though we used low mana cost monsters none of us were able to kill any monster on the battlefield, so we had to wait until the second round when my Kha'zi Conjurer burned himself to death.

Soon after I lost my Scorch Fiend as well, because my opponent had two monsters with the Sneak ability, but at least my team also killed their Naga Assassin and their tank just before the second round finished.

In the third round I lost my Antoid Platoon as my tank and only three monster left in my team.

Luckily in the fourth round my new tank the Drybone Hobgoblin dodged a very important attack from their Stitch Leech, so in the fifth round he was able to kill that Leech.

In the sixth round my Hobgoblin killed their Time Mage thanks to his higher speed. By the seventh round all of the monsters had very little health and luckily my team was a bit quicker than my opponent monsters, so they managed to win the battle for me. 😊

26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqrAP9TBG3ngbmQff8XmGHioYU3At33cTpyHohG4z2ZWA19cNAtQpXz8JTL2Eth5Vxc1U3ozJdzUmyRRsLcmFgYoQ2JHa18eEtgZCjy2QR4hqU22 (1).png

Battle Result



Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy was to utilise the powers of Tarsa by increasing the melee attack of my monsters. Luckily my Sneak attack monster worked very well and the Hobgoblin was ana amazing off tank when my Antoid died. 😇

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Social Media Challenge. I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞



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