Social Media Challenge | Alric and his friends! 😇
This week I brought a battle, where I will use my favorite Summoner from one of the strongest Splinter, where the ruleset would change a lot to the battlefield. 😅
Hope you will enjoy the battle like I did! 😇

Ruleset | Description |
Super Sneak | All Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability. |
Equalizer | The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health. |
Odd Ones Out | Only Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles. |
The mana cap was 51, which is quite a lot and I like it, because I will be able to use whatever monster and strategy I want plus I can keep an eye on the rulesets as well to try to take advantage of them! 😁
The Super Sneak ruleset gives a lot of flexibility for the Melee attack monsters, because they will be able to attack the last monster from the enemy team instead of just sitting in my backline. There is two way to utilise this ruleset. Either use a lot of Melee attack monsters and try to kill the enemy backline from their last monster or use strong monsters in your backline to defend your team. 😊
The Equalizer ruleset is also quite good, because all the monsters will have the same Health on the battlefield, so it is much easier to use strong, but low Health monsters. 💪
The Odd Ones Out ruleset will ban all the monsters who's mana cost is Even, so essentially the available monster pool will be around half as usual. 😒
Alric Stormbringer

Alric Stormbringer is an excellent Summoner from the Water Splinter who cost only three mana and he increases the Magic damage by one to all of his friendly monsters, which is the strongest attack type in the game. 😇
Torhilo the Frozen

I do not use the Torhilo much as my tank, because usually I go for the Even mana cost tanks, but this time I had to choose him. He is also a good tank, with perfect defense against the enemy Magic attacks thanks to his Void ability.
His only weakness is his very low Speed, but if I bring enough firepower in my team his role will be only to sustain as much damage as possible. 😅
Lord Arianthus

The Lord of Arianthus is one of a kind monster and mainly used as a tank, because he has all the protections against any kind of incoming attack. Sadly on his own he doesn't have any attack, but I pumped him up a little bit with my Weapon Trainer, which gave him +2 Magic attack and Alric furhter boosted that by one. 💪
Daarg Deadblast

Daarg Deadblast cost 7 mana and he is a Weapon Trainer as well, which means that he will increase the Magic attack by one for the non-attack monsters next to him. He also has the Swiftness ability, so he will further increase the Speed of his team by one. 😉
Merdaali Guardian

The Merdaali Guardian will be an excellent addition to my team, because she is able to Heal the first monster in my lineup and on top of that she will also receive three Magic attack damage from Daarg. Without the Equalizer ruleset she has low Health, but in this battle she became a formidable monster. 😜
Runemancer Kye

The Runemancer Kye will be my first real damage dealer, because she has three Magic attack damage, but more importantly she has the Life Leech ability, which means that she will be able to increase her own Health with every succesful attack that she makes! 😁
Nerissa Tridawn

Nerissa Tridawn is my second damage dealer, because she has three Magic attack on her own and thanks to Alric that would be increased to four. She doesn't have any ability, because her Health is quite high in a battle where there is no Equalizer ruleset. 😌

My opponent brought General Sloan, because he wanted to increase the Ranged attack on his monsters by one and he tried to use the big Melee guns from the White Splinter. The enemy team had much more raw damage than my team, so it will be interesting to see who prevails! 😎
The first round started pretty badly, because my opponent easily killed my Nerissa using their Jared Scar who also managed to activate his Bloodlust ability and to increase all of his stats. 😕
Luckily my team killed their 'tank' in return, but my opponent was still pretty strong at the end of the first round.
In the second round their Jared Scar killed my Torhilo and he activated his ability again, which made him more powerful than ever. 😖
It was so good that I picked a Magic attack team, because they always able to hit their target and thanks to that they finally killed their overpowered Jared. 😁
In the third round my opponent monsters had a hard time killing my Arianthus thanks to all of his protective abilities and in the mean time my team killed their Disintegrator.
The Heal and the Life Leech ability helped a lot to sustain a lot of damage, so in the fourth round their Pegasus also died. 👍
Even though the Drybone Barbarian activated his Enrage ability and became super strong he did only half damage to my Arianthus, which gave more than enough time for my team to finish him off with Commander Goff who was a Ranged attack monster and was unable to anything in the first position. 😇
It was an interesting and exciting battle where the Magic attack monsters and Alric of course showed their true power and managed to win a battle like this! 😉
I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊
If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

Thank you so much for the upvote I really appreciate it! 🙏