Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Battle Challenge! (Silenced Summoners)


I love the idea that the Weekly Battle Challenge changed instead of featuring a monster to represent a ruleset. It is so good to do something different than usual and I hope they will continually do this in the future. The best way would be to mix these challenges, so every week would be more interesting.

This week we need to show a ruleset, which is the Silenced Summoner and the way I used it to my (dis)advantage in the Battle I played. 😇

My only problem with this new system is that it is very difficult to do battles with the specific ruleset featured for the week challenge, because it is random what you are going to get and even if you have that ruleset you need to win it somehow, which is not always easy. 😏


image.pngSummoners do not give any buffs/debuffs or grant/use abilities.image.png
Best trick is to use your lowest cost and highest level summoner within this ruleset.

This ruleset is nothing special as it means that none of the summoners in the game are allowed to use their abilities to increase or decrease the stats of their or enemy monsters and they can not provide any additional abilities for them.

It is one of the easiest ruleset, because you can setup your team normally and no need to worry how is your opponent summoner will counter your entire team. 😆




Aim TrueMelee and Ranged attacks always hit their target.
Silenced SummonersSummoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.
Back to BasicsMonsters lose all abilities.

The mana cap was 99, which is my favorite, because their will be no restrictions what monster to use, because even if I use all the highest mana cost creatures I can not fill up my lineup. 😁

This battle will be very interesting and quite easy to predict if someone is very good in math, because the combination of the Silenced Summoners and the Back to Basics ruleset made all the summoners and monsters to lose all of their abilities as well.

Plain meat shields and high damage dealers can easily domante this battle and on top of that the Aim True ruleset helps a lot, because the miss chance from the Speed differences will cease to exist as well. 😇

This three ruleset makes a special once in a lifetime combination and it will be very interesting to see the end result. 😁


My lineup and the decision behind it!

Quix the Devious


Quix the Devious is afour mana cost summoner who gives -1 Ranged and Speed to all of his friendly monsters, but unfortunately not in this battle thanks to the Silenced Summoners ruleset. I have chosen him, because I wanted to take advantage of his Chaos Dragon who has a lot of Health and raw Damage. 😊


Main Tank
Tusk the Wide


Tusk the Wide is an excellent card if you want to bring a lot of Health into the battle. He cost only 6 mana, which makes him easy to play in any setup and he has the Void ability if he is not banned to use this ability. 😁


Second Main Tank
Grum the Flameblade


Grum Flameblade is my main tank, because he has 14 Health and 5 Armor, which is more than enough to tank many of my opponent monster. He has a lot of damage as well, but his Speed is only one, which makes him to hit his target more difficult. 😉


Main Damage Dealer
Lava Launcher


The Lava Launcher is my main damage dealer, because he has quite a lot of ranged damage. His +6 Armor and Health is not that much, but still enough to block few damages from the enemy monsters. 😇


Damage Dealer with High Health
Chaos Dragon


The Chaos Dragon is one of the best Dragon monster and even without any ability he is absolutely abeast on its own. He has a +3 Magic damage and huge amount of health, so he is able to sustain a lot of damage if it happens to fell into the first position. 😅


High Magic Damage Dealer
Djinn Inferni


The Djinn Inferni is my highest Magic damage attacker, which means that none of the enemy monsters are able to dodge his attacks in a battle without the Aim True ruleset. His Health is quite low, but at least no one can attack him in there. 😜


Damage Dealer
Djinn Apprentice


The Djinn Apprentice has a similar role like my Djinn Inferni, but he has "only" three Magic damage, which is amazing as being only an apprentice. 😆




Click on the picture for the replay


My opponent brought Kelya and his Water deck for this battle, but he also doesn't have any abilities to provide for his monsters. This battle will be decided by the overal best damage and Health between our teams.

Let's see some stats to see the difference:
Total DamageTotal ArmorTotal Health
My team201551
My opponent team181048

Overal my team had a larger stats and in this battle there was no other variable to count with, so I had a higher chance to win this game. 😁

In the first round my team was the first to kill their tank and even thought I have lost my first tank I had a slight advantage, because my team made an extra attack against their second tank.

In the second round my opponent also lost two more creatures and I did not lose anything, because Grum Flameblade is a beast! 😇


The third round was much more easier than the first and second and my team killed two more enemy monster and they managed to secure the Victory for me. 👏


I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Weekly Battle Challenge.
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞


Awesome bro!
I see your magic monsters are way too thick and stronger than mine, level 4 and doing a great job kicking butt of enemies. !LOLZ
Beautiful placement and all works perfect.


Thanks a lot my friend, this battle was simple and I had to use simple beasts with big stats and it worked!

Have a lovely day and cya tomorrow! 😊



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Hive Power Up Month Challenge - September 2023 Winners List
Be ready for the October edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2023

Post manually reviewed and approved for an Ecency boost. 😊


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