The Beauty of Rocks, My Fascination and Collection

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I am fascinated by rocks. There was a time when whenever I saw a rock with a unique shape, I would pick it up and take it home.

I get delighted by rocks because they have different patterns, shapes, and sizes. When you combine and arrange them, you can create a beautiful image.

One reason I became interested in rocks is that I love plants and aquariums. I enjoy decorating pots with rocks.

Rocks also look good inside aquariums because they make the aquarium look more natural, unlike when you use all plastic decorations.

Whether small or large rocks, I find them beautiful.

FYI, in my language, which is Filipino, the terms rock, stone, or even pebbles are referred to by a single word: "bato."

Here are some pictures of the different kinds of rocks I currently have. I don't know where my larger rocks are; many people ask for my rocks, but because I love them, I don't give them away.




I wonder where some of them have gone. It's been a while since I went out to the garden due to being busy with so many things, so maybe my housemates have put them somewhere, and I can't find them now.

These are some pictures from my Instagram post where I used rocks for my plant pots, gardenn and aquarium. The photos are a bit blurry because they are old pictures, and my phone camera wasn't good at the time.










There's something about the different textures of rocks that fascinates me, and I can't explain it.

One time, I even laid out the rubble from a demolished wall on the floor because I found it beautiful and couldn't find any more rocks. Although they were made of cement and I don't know if they can be considered rocks, they looked like rocks to me, so I found them beautiful. Haha.


I hope you enjoyed my rock post for the #POBPhotocontest contest by @friendlymoose.

If you also want to join their contests, follow friendly moose's profile and comment that you want to be notified every time they have a contest.

To learn more about Friendly Moose's POBphoto contest about rocks - Click Here

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