Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Road to Diamond Tier

Hello Splinterlands Summoners and welcome to another edition of Social Media Challenge! Two days before end of season and I have reached Diamond for the first time since playing this game. I reached Diamond with the same Silver/Gold level deck I have been using except for some new Rebellion reward cards that I've been constantly upgrading every EOS since they came out.

I will share my favorite battle and my tried and tested team in helping me reach this achievement.

My Team

I have written about my Light Splinter team composition before in previous posts. My strategy lies in sustaining my tank with healing and repair and dividing the enemy damage with a unit with Taunt ability who is also being healed by a unit with Triage ability.

Franz RuffmaneUriel the PurifierAdelaide Brightwing
Djinn RenovaIziar

Franz Ruffmane Summoner

Franz was one of the soulbound summoners that can use powerful Gladiator cards. Since the ruleset is set for 53 mana, I can use him even though he needs 6 mana to use in battle.

Uriel the Purifier in First position

Uriel combines defense with high damage potential. He has 6 armor, 12 health and abilty to heal and fly. This makes his defense and sustainability top notch. He is also a great damage dealer having 4 melee damage and recharge ability which multiplies his damage in exchange for losing a turn.

Captain Katie in Third Position

Captain Katie is one of the reliable and most used Gladiator cards. She deals decent magic damage, has the Snipe and Bloodlust abilities.

Djinn Renova in Fourth Position

Djinn Renova is a key card for my strategy to work. She deals 3 magic damage while healing Iziar with her Triage ability. Additionally, she buffs the team with one health with her Strengthen ability.

Adelaide Brightwing in Fifth Position

Another key card in this strategy. Her Repair ability is important for Uriel to stay longer in battle. She also has the Resurrect ability which comes in handy in certain situations.

Iziar in the last position

Iziar easily became one of my favorite soulbound reward card. He is a great card with Taunt ability because of his high health. He also has Void to decrease magic damage while dealing 2 magic damage himself. His best combo is a unit with Triage ability.

Opponent's Team

My opponent's team features Lux Vega. She is a promo card summoner that is similar to Kelya but she also gives a health boost to her team aside from speed and armor. She also requires 5 mana to field in battle. She can only be acquired at max BCX so she is a very expensive card.

My opponent's units are also formidable. He has a max Forgotten One in the first position, a level 2 Ferexian Hero in second, Mordeus in third, max level Exploding Rat, a level 7 Arkemis the Bear and a max level Ferox the Defender.

The Battle

The battle is a long one because both teams have their defenses. However, my units can heal and some deal magic damage which goes through my opponent's armor. This gave me a huge advantage even though my cards are lowel level than my opponent's. Battles like these helped me advance through the Diamond level.

Link to Battle

Final Thoughts

Mastering card synergies and combinations against certain rulesets help us win battles consistently and therefore earn more rewards and advance to higher levels. However, players still need to continuously learn new strategies to stay on top of the game. While doing so, it's also important to upgrade our cards as well to stay competitive since the game is constantly evolving. New cards and ruleset continue to be introduced. It's up to us players to discover card strengths and how they can be optimized in battle.
