Employer-Employee Relationship And The Disruption Of Work Ethics
Hello Hivers
Welcome to my blog. You guys are amazing. May we all achieve our set goals this month.
Today I bring you quiet a piece on the issue of Work Ethics. Read, enjoy, learn.
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The connection between ethics and work, I would say depends on, but not limited to, two factors: one's love for the job, and who one is working for.
As far as I have experienced, what is meant by work ethics in some places is just the laid down rules or code of conduct required of employees by their employers. In some places, these code or rules can be so stringent such that one may not even be able to tell the difference between ethics and servitude. However, any worker who has a passion for his/her work may have his or her own work ethics as required, either for the job or the work environment in general.
But some employers too have a very poor mindset and leadership skills that discourage employees from putting in their best at work.
Let me share my experience
You see, I got this teaching job in 2021 at a private secondary school in outskirts of town, a bit far away from where I live. The teachers and other staff I met were amazing. They were always, punctual, smartly dressed, and carried out every duty assigned to them with utmost zeal, commitment and professionalism. But I was informed that the Proprietor of the school was away in Canada.
The acting Principal in charge was the driving force (we called him Mr Brown), and everyone seemed to love and respect him. He was disciplined and firm but also cheerful and approachable. In fact he was the reason the teachers were so happy doing their job - the students were happy as well. I was excited to work with such a crop of passionate staff, in an environment where there was discipline, coordination, teamwork, camaraderie, and freedom. Everything went smoothly for some months. Everyone was happy with work until the lion returned, and everything changed therefrom.
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New policies were introduced which didn't sit well with a great number of staff. A lot of things were altered: there was no more freedom, coordination, and camaraderie amongst the teachers. Work gradually became a burden, boring, and frustrating. The atmosphere became very tensed and evryone was constantly under pressure and suspense. Staff members started discussing in whispers and sign language. The school premises became almost like a grave yard, and the students noticed because they were affected too.
Soon, Mr Brown was fired. The rumor was that he flaunted the Director's rule and made an excuse for a staff who came late to work. Without Mr. Brown, everyone was divided. Since I was the newest member of the fold, the Director often invited me to her office for discussions, but I layer realized she was using me as her informant. It was when the other staff members started dissociating with me that I realized what was going on. Gradually, one after another more staff were laid off and replaced, and I was no longer comfortable with the style of administration. Some days, I felt like not going to work, and it wasn't I alone who felt like that —others did too. Some staff started deliberately misbehaving, while some resigned. I was among the latter. I just couldn't continue any longer.
Here are some of the lessons I leant, which are also hard facts about the work place:
Your boss is not your friend. Regardless of how close you both are, learn to set boundaries.
Walls have ears. Be careful who you confide in at work. A listening ear could also be a flippant mouth.
Your employer is more concerned about results. How you get the job done is up to you.
There is always that one person/ group of persons feeding the boss with happenings in the office. Some employees brief go beyond the official. Be guided.
When you get withdrawn from project or someone is asked to understudy you or you get demoted without cogent reason(s), that may be a cue you'd soon be shown the exit door.
As much as you can, keep your private life away from colleagues. You might be under investigation for some personal accomplishments without you even knowing.
Sometimes, your colleagues may not even like you, for whatever reasons and that is fine. Everybody cannot like you, so accept that.
Pay attention to body language, tone, pitch and pace of voice from your team members, colleagues or your boss. They may provide important cues to what isn't expressly said.
There will always be that " exceptional colleague" who gets the job done, gets the recognition and praises. Don't let that feeling of disdain or inadequacy set in. See what that person is doing differently, how they do it and learn. You'll become a better person. Be open to learning.
While the workplace should foster positive and valuable relationships, your primary aim is to get the job done and go home. Keep that in mind.
Now, I'm back job hunting. But I vow to keep these lessons in mind when I get a new job. The best I can do is to do my best.
Most people accept job offers because they got take care of themselves, their family or pursue their goals. Employers who find hardworking, and committed employees should appreciate and encourage them so they can continue giving in their best. They might become employers too someday, and would want to replicate the leadership style of their previous employers.
Employees should also not take advantage of their employer's liberality and misbehave. Productivity and relationships would be the greatest value both parties benefit from.
Thank you for reading
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These are great tips you shared as a firm of advice to workers.
I learnt the hard way that no employer wants anything short of profitable results irrespective of the closeness or relationship one mightshare with the boss.
Hope you find a job soon👍
Thanks for reading. I hope so too. Thank you
You're welcome