The most awaited jewel in Brawl Star / La joya más esperada en Brawl Star [ENG/SPA]



Hello hive friends, how are you doing today? I hope you are having a great time, I've been happy lately and the good thing about being happy is that I can enjoy the games better, and my daily routine is to play Brawl Star, it's my favorite vice, and this is the second part of the previous post where I talked about the new update, which brings with it today's main character.

The new Brawl pass.


FRIENDS WHAT HAPPINESS I HAD IN THAT INSTANT, in the two battle passes that I have been in I could never buy it, it is half expensive, and hell, where do I get money to get into the game, the uni takes me ruined, then I went gathering gems because the battle pass is worth 169 and between the two passes I could get them and do not know what a great satisfaction is to buy the best battle pass in existence, I'm glad I bought them because they give a lot of rewards.


It's incredible that I bought two skins with all the blines they gave me, obviously I already had a few saved but it gave me enough to buy skin to my favorite brawlers, and how nice it is to see that every time you grow more in something you like, it motivates me to play, and keep winning, and the truth is that I must confess that since I started playing the Brawl everything has been wonderful, I have no complaints about them, at home update they shine, the events, and this pass was amazing and more with the brawler rotisimo I got in it.


Finally I got cordelius, the brawler that is more broken than anything else, not to say that he is first because here between us nobody beats the Edgar, what a disgusting brawler, he is incredibly broken. But in other news friends, I have been testing this Brawler and without a doubt it is very good, it has little distance but it is very effective in attack, as in the super, or the ulti, which is its characteristic to send one of its enemies to the world of cordelius where they are alone and the opponent can not use neither ULTIS, nor reinforcements, nothing, he is alone with his normal attacks and recharges slower by the way, it is broken, the one that comes out alive from there is because it is very broken or simply the one that manipulates cordelius is bad, there are only two options.


FRIENDS I AM THE TOP 82 BEST LOLAS IN VENEZUELA, I still don't enter the world top, but at least I start for my country, friend I will try my best to be the best Lola in the world, she is one of my favorite brawlers, and I am also so happy to get new Brawlers I have unlocked three brawlers already this week, two chromatic that I bought, and one that was given to me in the Star Awards, I have saved a lot thanks to that gift, one less brawler if it makes the difference.


(My new chromatic other than cordelius).


And this is the lucky one that they gave me, and well it is very bad, for me it is the most useless of the brawlers but at least I saved me a headache to unlock it, hehehe, and by the way, I explain the chromatic, the chromatic Brawler are those new Brawlers that are given in the battle passes, all the Brawler that are given there are chromatic, and they are only unlocked wth a special token that you collect little by little, they unfortunately do not appear in the Star path, which is the path where you unlock brawlers, but friends, at least they are not so difficult to unlock I already have 8 chromatic in these months I've been playing, and it's pretty cool.

(Skin of my broken brawlers)

This has been all for today my friends, I hope you are encouraged to play Brawl Star, I wait for you my friends, I love you.

With her I am top venezuela

The pictures are only mine and taken by screenshots<3


Hola amigosss de hive que tal se encuentran el día de hoy?? Espero la estén pasando cool, he estado feliz últimamente y lo bueno de estar feliz es que puedo disfrutar mejor los juegos, y mi rutina diaria es jugar Brawl Star, es mi vicio favorito, y ésta es la segunda parte del post anterior dónde les hablaba de la nueva actualización, que trae consigo el protagonista de hoy.

El nuevo pase de batalla.


AMIGOS QUE FELICIDAD TUVE EN ESE INSTANTE, en los dos pases de batalla en el que he estado nunca lo pude comprar, es medio caro, y diablos, de dónde me saco plata para meterle al juego, la uni me lleva arruinada, entonces fui reuniendo gemas porque el pase de batalla vale 169 y entre los dos pases pude conseguirlos y no saben que satisfacción tan grande es poder comprar el mejor pase de batalla existente, me alegro haberlos comprado porque dan un montón de recompensas.


Es increíble que me compré dos skin con todos los blines que me dieron, obviamente ya tenía unos pocos ahorrados pero me dió lo suficiente para comprarle skin a mis brawlers favoritos, y que lindo es ver qué cada vez creces más en algo que te gusta, me motiva jugar, y seguir ganando, y la verdad es que debo confesar que desde que empecé a jugar el Brawl todo a Sido maravilloso, no tengo ninguna queja de ellos, en casa actualización se lucen, los eventos, y éste pase estuvo increíble y más con el brawler rotisimo que conseguí en él.


Por fin obtuve a cordelius, el brawler que está más roto que otra cosa, para no decir que él primero porque aquí entre nos nadie le gana al Edgar, que Brawler tan asqueroso, está increíblemente roto. Pero en otras noticias amigos, he estado probando éste Brawler y sin duda es buenísimo, tiene poca distancia pero es muy eficaz tanto en ataque, como en el súper, o la ulti, que es su característica de enviar a uno de sus enemigos al mundo de cordelius dónde están solo y el oponente no puede utilizar ni ULTIS, ni refuerzos, nada, está solo con sus ataques normales y recarga más lento de paso, está roto, el que sale vivo de ahí es porque está muy roto o simplemente el que manipula a cordelius es malo, solo hay dos opciones.


AMIGOS SOY EL TOP 82 DE LAS MEJORES LOLAS DE VENEZUELA, aún no entro al top mundial, pero al menos empiezo por mi país, amigo me esforzaré por ser la mejor Lola del mundo, ella es una de mis brawlers favoritos, y también estoy tan feliz por obtener a nuevos Brawlers he desbloqueado a tres brawlers ya en ésta semana, dos cromáticos que compré, y uno que me lo regalaron en los premios Star, me he ahorrado muchísimo gracias a ese regalo, un brawler menos si hace la diferencia.


(Mi nuevo cromático aparte de cordelius)

Y éste es el dichoso que me regalaron, y bueno es bien maluco, para mí es el más inútil de los brawlers pero al menos ya me ahorré un dolor de cabeza para desbloquearlo, jejej, y por cierto, le explico lo de los cromáticos, lo Brawler cromáticos son aquellos nuevos Brawlers que se dan en los pases de batalla, todos los Brawler que sean dados allí son cromáticos, y solo se desbloquean con una ficha especial que vas reuniendo poco a poco, ellos no aparecen por desgracia en el camino Star, que es el camino donde desbloqueas brawlers, pero amigos, al menos no son tan difíciles de desbloquear ya tengo 8 cromáticos en estos meses que llevo jugando, y está bien cool.

(Skin de mis brawlers rotos)

Esto ha Sido todo por hoy mi s amigos, espero que se animes a jugar Brawl Star, los espero amigos míos, OS quiero.

Con ella soy top venezuela

La fotitos son solo mías y tomadas por screenshots<3


How good is this game.

About two years ago when I had my phone this was the game that I spent more time playing, I see that now it has many new characters, I remember a lot that my favorite character to use was a girl who had the ability to throw fire.

This was my favorite because she had a great attack range and that made her cool, that was my favorite, here is an image of her.



I downloaded it to play with you, how do I add you?


Ya me lo descargué pa juga con ustedes. ¿Cómo los agrego? 😎



Dile a @rishahp que te agregue por una invitación o te pasamos el código de nuestro equipo;)))


@rishahp agrega o mándame la invitación pls. No sé si este sea el código: #9GRPQCCL es lo que está bajo la fotico. Me llamo Perceval. 🤓




ENG- Man, this game has become very popular in the community, many people are playing it, I'm still playing the TFT which has really kept me hooked, but soon I will play this one, it looks very good.

ESP- Hombre, este juego se ha hecho muy popular en la comunidad, mucha gente lo está jugando, yo sigo jugando al TFT que me ha tenido muy enganchado, pero pronto jugaré a este, tiene muy buena pinta.
