The right of children requires attention.


A productive population is an asset to a nation. A country with robust economic policies needs patriotic citizens to help implement such policies. When this is properly managed, the country would want to grow more in population and be more prosperous. On the other hand, if the population is unproductive, it becomes a burden to the nation. Unfortunately, the latter is the reality in Nigeria.

Nigeria, as a country, was serious with agriculture decades ago. During that era, an increase in family size translated to more fortune. Children helped their parents on the farm. Having more of them would lead to the expansion of farms. The agricultural drive of Nigerians nosedived when petroleum was discovered. It offered the government a quick source of income. All attention was on petroleum while agricultural advancement became a mirage. In those days, farmers might have a valid point for opting for a large family. That point can't be tenable today.

In the world today, the role of early childhood education can't be overemphasized. It is the right of the child to get an education but, unfortunately, that right has been abused by many parents. The physiological needs of the child like food, healthcare, shelter and clothing shouldn't be something that the parents would fail to provide.

In Nigeria, everyone is left to give birth to whatever number of children that he or she wants. Some people abused this. They give birth indiscriminately without thinking of the resources that they would use to take care of them. Right from time, as far as I can remember, the topic of birth control has remained a controversial one. Some people's beliefs regarding this topic are tied around religion. They believe that children came from God and that humans should not intentionally prevent them from coming. To them, God will provide what the child will eat. They forget that God gave us the brain to think of a solution to our problems. One such solution to overpopulation is birth control.

I once encountered a man who was into petty trading. When I discussed with him about his family, he told me that he had three wives back in the village and that he was planning to marry the fourth wife. For his business, it was obvious that he couldn't properly take care of a wife and two kids. But to my utter dismay, he was having three wives and eight children already and was planning to marry the fourth. I nearly wept at the hardship that the man was unleashing on innocent children.

It pains my heart when I see children roaming the street with nowhere to go. No education. No future. I see these children every day. They hold their plates, moving from house to house to beg for food. When you ask of their parents, they would tell you that their parents are in another town, hundreds of kilometers away.

The parents are in the inner room, preparing the ground for the coming of another child while the ones they already have are roaming the street in search of survival. This reminds me of a question by the legendary reggae artist, Lucky Dube from his song titled "Children in the Street."

"Why do they suffer so much
If they have parents, why?"

This same question asked by Lucky Dube is always asked by me. If these children have parents, why do they suffer so much?

Moving forward, I think it's high time the government intervened. There are two possible ways, in my opinion, to address the problem.

A law should be enacted to put a cap on the number of children that couples can have. Couples should only give birth to the number of children that they can care for.

If some people frown at such a law because of their religion or any other belief, the government should shift its interest to holding every parent responsible for the child he or she brings into this world. The parent of any child roaming the street should be arrested and prosecuted. No belief denies that every child deserves care and love. This is their fundamental right and it should be declared as such. Any parent denying the children such a right should be held responsible. If this is done, no one would force parents to give birth to the number of kids that they can care for, or else they get into trouble with the state.

With this, the well-being of the children would be better guaranteed in society.


No child deserves to suffer, if only parents become deliberate with child birthing, all these issues will be reduced drastically even without government intervention. I mean this is just simple, you want a child? Oya check your resources and know if u are fit to take the responsibility of that incoming child. Really, the issue of overpopulation and birth control is a difficult case in our country today and I wish that someday, government may think of regulation officially


It requires a lot of sensitization. Unfortunately, the government would hardly be in support of whatever policy that would help reduce poverty. They gaining from the hopeless situation of the majority of the populace.


Over population is the main reason kids are suffering in your country as well as in my country. the parents are not able to support the children properly so that's is why they are forced to work at such young age.


It is a serious case in Nigeria. Very controversial as well. My sympathy always go to the children. They don't deserve the suffering that they are being subjected to.


Sadly this is the reality of most kids on the street, they were unfortunate products of some this undeserving and unprepared parents. To an extend the government can put in some policies to regulate special cases, but the reality still remains that regulating the number of birth in this current situation of Nigeria won't work out.


That's the issue. The people that are supposed to welcome such regulation would be the one to demonize it and reject it. It would be tied around culture and religion. We will keep on advocating for a better future.


I do not see the Government enacting birth control law in Nigeria working due to religious reasons as you have rightly stated but I think I agree with your second solution.

Parents should be held responsible for any number of children they bring into the world. No child deserves to roam around the street, suffering and begging for food. !LUV


Yes. By holding parents responsible for the well-being of their children, they would realize that giving birth to children in their numbers isn't an achievement if they can't be catered for.


Thank you for highlighting this important issue. The suffering of children due to unplanned births is heartbreaking. While cultural and religious factors complicate birth control laws, holding parents accountable for their children’s welfare is essential. Education on family planning and responsible parenting can also make a significant difference. Ensuring every child receives care and attention should be a priority for both society and the government. Your advocacy for these children's futures is commendable.


Thank you for your contribution. With our collective unrelenting voices, I believe that there is hope in sight no matter how long it may take.


I could remember a time here in my city when if a child of school age was found roaming the streets instead of being in school, the child will be taken by the enforcement team and their parents made to pay a fine before they are released. I think same thing happened in Akwa Ibom state and parents became responsible for their kids and wards. If such a law can be brought back again, it will greatly help to curtail the carelessness of some parents.


Wow. I never knew that are states that practiced that before. That kind of law is necessary. It should be incorporated into the constitution. It will go a long way to correct the anomaly.


They forget that God gave us the brain to think of a solution to our problems. One such solution to overpopulation is birth control.

These people think God will come down from heaven to help them, after He has given us brain to think and wisdom to apply to our best. Many parents aren't considerate at all and they keep giving birth while bringing these children to the world to suffer. I shake my head when I see kids roaming around the street, begging for food.

There is a student in my school, he is always found after school, at a house where he fetches water, go on errands for these university guys just to make little money for himself. It is what he does daily. Now imagine such a child who has been exposed to such a life because of parent's ignorance, and in another way, carelessness.

Seriously, I hope a law could be enacted by the government which should be hold strongly and parents who violate the law should face the consequences.


You remind me of a similar experience in school. Some children used to come around to wash plates, clothes and fetch water for students in the hostel. When they outgrow such jobs, they would take on commercial motorcycle work. During crises in town, they are the one that finds it easy to kill. They were never shown love from day one and they have no love for other people.

The large population of this category of youths poses threat to our collective peace. I hope the government does something quick.


I believe the second solution will be more appropriate since it is also backed by religious doctrines. There is no section of the holy book that permits neglecting of children. The thing about most Nigerians is that we are very selfish, most of this parents that marry many wives are just after their own gain without thinking of the consequences. These days there are some children that sleeps on pedestrian bridges in Lagos, after a lifetime of begging they are now thieves. You can't climb the pedestrian bridge in the night without being attacked by this children.


That's the main challenge. When a child isn't shown love, he grows to see everyone else as being responsible for his misfortune.

The parents were the greatest culprits. Unfortunately, they unleash the revenge meant for their parents on other people they encounter. Anywhere you have those children in their numbers, the spot becomes a hot one in terms of insecurity. We are experiencing the same thing in Kaduna. Once it is 7 pm and I am returning home, my phone must be in my pocket else someone could just snatch it and evaporate into the thin air.


Like, children didn't beg to be born, parents decide to bring them and should be responsible for them. Children should not have to suffer for any reason, it is very unfair. I do hope the government see a need to implement this rule. And it is not just to implement actually, they should make it work.



You are right. Children deserve better. Whoever brought them to this world should be forced to take care of them. There is no mistake in giving birth. It is a result of an intentional act. Every parent should own up to the aftermath necessities. The government should force them to do so.

Thank you for stopping by.
