Taking advantage of spaces IN MY HOME! I managed to convert a "lost" space into a storage room / Aprovechando espacios EN MI HOGAR! Logré convertir en depósito un espacio “perdido” - ENG/ESP

Instagram Post Bienes Raíces Lujosa Casa Gris Blanco.png

Hello friends of Architecture+Design, I hope you are well and ready to rest or enjoy the weekend. Me in my stuff as always, inventing and trying to add value to my house.

I guess it has happened to many of you that you live in a small space and you have accumulated things that you don't know where to put? Well, the same thing happened to me. Our apartment has only one room, and now with the attic it would be 2. The problem is that I didn't know where to put so many things I keep, for example: my "Bob Builder" tools, suitcases, Christmas stuff, etc, etc, etc., so we were thinking for a while what we could do, because there is no storage room in the building, and in the attic the things made the apartment look like a big mess. At home we have a bit of an obsession with order and cleanliness, so you can imagine the visual stress it caused.

Hola amigos de Architecture+Design, espero estén bien y preparados para descansar o disfrutar del fin de semana. Yo en mis cosas como siempre, inventando y tratando de agregarle valor a mi casa.

Supongo que a muchos les ha pasado que viven en un espacio pequeño y tienes acumulado cosas que no sabes dónde meter? Bueno, a mí me pasaba igual. Nuestro departamento es de una sola habitación, y ahora con el ático serían 2. El problema, es que no sabía dónde meter tantas cosas que guardo, por ejemplo: mis herramientas de “Bob Constructor”, las maletas, las cosas de navidad, etc, etc, etc., así que estuvimos pensando un tiempo qué podíamos hacer, porque no hay cuarto de depósito en el edificio, y en el ático las cosas hacían ver el departamento un gran desastre. En casa tenemos algo de obsesión con el orden y la limpieza, así que ya se imaginarán el estrés visual que causaba.

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One day, we decided to put things on top of a concrete floor at the entrance, since it was quite useless, it was an option. But disaster was imminent when you looked up, you saw "what a nice attic, what a mess of things up there. With the things there, we said: it's obvious, we should make a storage room there, it's a useless space that we could make functional. At the time that idea was great because it solved several issues: the clutter upstairs, and the storage of things that are almost never used. Also, if you remember the post Finished building my folding ladder (PART 2) - ENG/ESP, you may notice that my stairs are for that place and they fit like a glove.

Un día, decidimos poner las cosas encima de un piso de concreto que hay en la entrada, ya que era bastante inútil, era una opción. Pero el desastre era inminente al levantar la mirada, veías “qué lindo ático, qué desorden las cosas arriba. Ya con las cosas ahí, dijimos: es obvio, ahí deberíamos hacer un depósito, es un espacio inútil que podríamos hacerlo funcional. En ese momento esa idea fue genial porque solucionaba varios temas: el desorden de arriba, y el guardar las cosas que casi nunca se usan. Además, si recuerdan el post Finished building my folding ladder (PART 2) - ENG/ESP, podrán notar que mis escaleras son para ese lugar y que quedaban como anillo al dedo.

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Now with this idea we only had to get down to work. This time I didn't do it myself, for multiple reasons: one of them was that I haven't worked with Drywall or with those aluminum profiles with my hands, the second was because I was really exhausted from doing so many things that manipulating the boards was too much effort for my still exhausted body and third, I wanted to give this paid work to a friend who will have a baby soon. I would help him anyway, it's something I like and that I would be able to do for free 🤣.

Ya ahora con esta idea solo quedaba ponernos manos a la obra. Esta vez no lo hice yo, por múltiples razones: una de ellas era que yo no he trabajado con Drywall ni con esos perfiles de aluminio con mis manos, la segunda era porque estaba realmente agotada de hacer tantas cosas que manipular las tablas era mucho esfuerzo para mi cuerpo aún agotado y tercero, quería darle ese trabajo remunerado a un amigo que tendrá un bebé pronto. De igual forma lo ayudaría, es algo que me gusta y que capaz yo haría gratis 🤣.

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He, who has more experience than me with this material, gave me the list of what he would buy. In short, it was some aluminum profiles and 2 Drywall boards. When I had the materials at home, I called him. The next day we were already starting to work on my warehouse.

Él, que tiene más experiencia que yo con este material, me dio la lista de lo que compraría. Que en resumen eran unos perfiles de aluminio, y 2 tablas de Drywall. Cuando ya tenía los materiales en casa, lo llamé. Al día siguiente ya estábamos empezando a trabajar en mi depósito.

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El depósito es pequeño, tiene 2 metros cuadrados, pero créanme, es preferible un depósito de 2 metros a cuadrados a no tener nada donde almacenar. Ese día pudimos montar todo, ya falta taparle las uniones, lijarlo y pintarlo. La puerta aún estoy en proceso de decisión, probablemente le ponga una del mismo material por los momentos, o quizás le coloque una plegable. Si me leíste hasta hasta aquí, y tienes una mejor idea, cuéntamela en los comentarios, me ayudará bastante!

El depósito es pequeño, tiene 2 metros cuadrados, pero créanme, es preferible un depósito de 2 metros a cuadrados a no tener nada donde almacenar. Ese día pudimos montar todo, ya falta taparle las uniones, lijarlo y pintarlo. La puerta aún estoy en proceso de decisión, probablemente le ponga una del mismo material por los momentos, o quizás le coloque una plegable. Si me leíste hasta hasta aquí, y tienes una mejor idea, cuéntamela en los comentarios, me ayudará bastante!

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Greetings to all and have a great start of the weekend ❤️

Saludos a todos y que tengan un gran inicio de fin de semana ❤️


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It seems to be a very warm place, it seems coastal, I wonder how heavy the rain is there and what type of roof is used in that house, thank you!


Hello! Thank you for your comment. I like that you see it as I wanted to make it feel. The rain is not very heavy, it's an island, and it's a tropical climate, so it's hot but there's no air conditioning to solve it 🤣. Here in Venezuela, a more concrete steel slab roof and mud tiles are used above. I'll leave you the link so you can see what I mean. https://www.google.com/search? q=tejas&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCL965CL965&oq=tejas&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyDwgAEEUYORiDARixAxiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBBzkwN2owajSoAgCwAgA&hl=es&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=hFdHCK9kEZF8qM&imgdii=VkqXdD06NYXIgM


Hi @lifeblue , I'm going to start by telling you that your banner is beautiful, I love it.

About your deposit what a great idea, I would be very excited, and I don't doubt that you would be with this solution, it looks better and this small but big change will make your apartments feel and look better. I like that you have shared the whole process from the problem and how the solution came about, plus the details of the worker hehehe, I hope you get a lot of use out of it.


Hello! Thank you for your comment. Believe me, I will use it a lot, in fact, you gave me an idea: I will make a post to show the change I achieved with the implementation of the deposit. So I appreciate it 😀. Greetings!!!


How good it turned out for you, similar happens to me, sometimes things pile up and I can't find where to put them. That's a very good idea of ​​yours! 👍


Thank you, I hope it will be useful for future projects in your space!😀
