My Inleo Progress: 12.2K LEO Power Surpassed + My Check If November LPUD Winners Have Received Their Prizes + My New Inleo Premium Subscription (ENG/ITA)

Logo Inleo owned by @inleo - Edit by @libertycrypto27- Fonts used are Open Source
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My Inleo Progress: 12.2K LEO Power Surpassed!
+ My Check If November LPUD Winners Have Received Their Prizes
+ My New Inleo Premium Subscription
Today is December 9, 2024, and that means the year 2024 has its days numbered because there are only 22 days left until the end of the year.
Almost a year ago, in January 2024 I had set two main annual goals that I would like to achieve:
- 75K Hive Power (HP)
- 12K LEO Power (LP)
At the beginning of the year I had 50K HP and 7K LEO Power.
The goal related to my Hive Power is absolutely my main goal because Hive is my favorite blockchain project and the “beating heart” of the Hive blockchain is represented by the Hive Power which measures the influence of a Hive account and in my opinion also measures the importance an account gives to Hive by relating three elements:
- Total HP
- Author rewards
- Curation rewards

On January 1, 2024 I had 50K HP while today December 9, 2024 I have 73019 HP so I have not yet reached my annual goal but I still have 22 days to reach it and I will work hard to reach it.

On January 1, 2024, I had 7K LEO Power (LP) while today December 9, 2024, I have 12.22K LP and I am very happy that I have reached and exceeded my annual goal related to my LEO Power.
My next goal is to reach LION status which is achieved upon reaching 15K LP.
In my LEO Wallet I also have 157 liquid LEO of which I will keep 150 liquid because on December 15 there will be the 12th and final LEO Power Up of 2024 and I will gladly participate because there are LEO delegation prizes for LPUD participants.
In the last LPUD I was lucky because I won a 5K LP delegation for one month, LP delegation I received from the sponsor @tbnfl4sun whom I thank.

For the past 4-5 months I have been monitoring and controlling the sending of LPUDs awards by sponsors and have shared the results of my checks in my Hive blog via two posts published each month, one at the beginning of the month and one during LPUDs.
I started doing these checks because in the past there were LPUDs where more than 50% of the sponsors did not send in their awards.
Fortunately since the October LPUD Inleo has changed and updated the list of sponsors to solve this problem and the situation has improved much for the better.
In the next screenshot you can see the November LPUD sponsors and winners.

Today, 24 days after the November LPUD, I checked whether all sponsors have sent LP delegations to the November LPUD winners.
Progress and improvements were there because out of 13 prizes 11 prizes were distributed but the goal to be achieved is in my opinion to get to 13 out of 13.
The 11 sponsors who have sent the prizes are: @idiosyncratic1 @gadrian @l337m45732 @tbnfl4sun @tsunsica @jongolson @beststart @edicted @niallon11 @alexvan @silversaver888
Only @henrietta27 and @hazkripto have not yet received their prizes because @anomadsoul and @inleo forgot to send them, and I hope this post of mine will be useful to the two sponsors as a reminder.

I would like to emphasize that:
- all sponsors, even those who forgot to set the delegation, are to be thanked because they provide part of their stake to delegate
- it can happen to everyone to forget to send prizes because everyone's life is often busy.
- **it is not nice to win a prize and not receive it
For @inleo the problem is recurring and being an official account it should be solved immediately in my opinion because it is an Inleo account and he cannot forget to send the delegation!
Since I checked the LPUD prize sendings @inleo never sent the prizes and therefore @hazkripto (November LPUD winner), @sayu907 (October LPUD winner), @wiseagent (September LPUD winner), @vickoly (August LPUD winner) have not yet received the prize from Inleo as winners of an initiative created by Inleo.

This situation is not good publicity for Inleo and as LEO lover and LEO stakeholders I hope it will be resolved as soon as possible and that is why I tag @khaleelkazi
I hope to be helpful to Inleo and will be doing the same check during the next LPUD and until I see the distribution of all the prizes of the next LPUDs!
I will end this post by sharing the renewal of my Premium Subscription which costs 10 HBD and has a duration of 1 month.

I have been an Inleo Premium user for several consecutive months and the 10 HBD I spent today is used to purchase LEO and HIVE and to permanently increase the liquidity pool which has LEO and HIVE as its own pair.

I will continue to renew my Premium subscription month after month!

- InLeo UI:
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- Hive Promotion Campaign by Inleo on Zealy: - InLeo Threads:
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Important Note:
I am not a financial advisor and the information contained in my posts are not financial advices.
Before investing in a blockchain project you should always do your own research and personal evaluations.
My advice is to always only invest what you can afford to lose with a light heart!

I miei progressi nel Leoverse + Nuova Sottoscrizione all'Inleo Premium + Focus sulle delegazioni del LPUD di novembre
Oggi è il 9 dicembre 2024 e questo vuol dire che l'anno 2024 ha i giorni contati perchè mancano solo 22 giorni alla fine dell'anno.
Quasi un anno fa, a gennaio 2024 avevo fissato due due obbiettivi annuali principali che mi sarebbe piaciuto raggiungere:
- 75K Hive Power (HP)
- 12K LEO Power (LP)
All'inizio dell'anno avevo 50K HP e 7K LEO Power.
L'obiettivo relativo al mio Hive Power è in assoluto il mio obiettivo principale perchè Hive è il mio progetto blockchain preferito e il "cuore pulsante" della blockchain di Hive è rappresentata dal Hive Power che misura l'influenza di un Hive account e secondo me misura anche l'importanza che un account dà ad Hive mettendo in relazione tre elementi:
- Total HP
- Author rewards
- Curation rewards

Il 1 gennaio 2024 avevo 50K HP mentre oggi 9 dicembre 2024 ho 73019 HP e quindi non ho ancora raggiunto il mio obiettivo annuale ma ho ancora 22 giorni per raggiungerlo e mi impegnerò per raggiungerlo.

Il 1 gennaio 2024 avevo 7K LEO Power (LP) mentre oggi 9 dicembre 2024 ho 12.22K LP e quindi ho raggiunto e superato il mio obiettivo annuale relativo al mio LEO Power.
Il mio prossimo obiettivo è raggiungere lo status di LION che si ottiene al raggiungimento di 15K LP.
Nel mio LEO Wallet ho anche 157 LEO liquidi dei quali manterrò liquidi 150 LEO perchè il 15 dicembre ci sarà il dodicesimo e ultimo LEO Power Up del 2024 e io parteciperò con piacere perchè ci sono dei premi in delegazioni LEO per i partecipanti al LPUD.
Nell'ultimo LPUD sono stato fortunato perchè ho vinto una delegazione di 5K LP per un mese, delegazione in LP che ho ricevuto dallo sponsor @tbnfl4sun che ringrazio.

Negli ultimi 4-5 mesi ho monitorato e controllato l'invio dei premi degli LPUDs da parte degli sponsors e ho condiviso i risultati dei miei controlli nel mio Hive blog tramite due post pubblicati ogni mese, uno all'inizio del mese e uno durante gli LPUD.
Ho iniziato a fare questi controlli perchè in passato ci sono stati LPUD in cui più del 50% degli sponsors non hanno inviato i premi.
Fortunatamente a partire dal LPUD di ottobre Inleo ha modificato e aggiornato la lista degli sponsors per risolvere questo problema e la situazione è migliorata molto in meglio.
Nel prossimo screenshot puoi vedere gli sponsors e i vincitori del LPUD di novembre.

Oggi, dopo 24 giorni dal LPUD di novembre ho verificato se tutti gli sponsors hanno inviato le delegazioni in LP ai vincitori del LPUD di novembre.
I progressi e i miglioramenti ci sono stati perchè su 13 premi sono stati distribuiti 11 premi ma l'obiettivo da raggiungere è secondo me arrivare a 13 su 13.
Gli 11 sponsors che hanno inviato i premi sono: @idiosyncratic1 @gadrian @l337m45732 @tbnfl4sun @tsunsica @jongolson @beststart @edicted @niallon11 @alexvan @silversaver888
Solo @henrietta27 e @hazkripto non hanno ancora ricevuto i premi perchè @anomadsoul e @inleo si sono dimenticati di inviarli e spero che questo mio post possa essere utile ai due sponsors come reminder.

Ci tengo a sottolineare che:
- tutti gli sponsors, anche quelli che hanno dimenticato di settare la delegazione, sono da ringraziare perchè mettono a disposizione parte del loro stake da delegare
- può capitare a tutti di dimenticare di inviare i premi perchè la vita di ognuno è spesso piena di impegni.
- **non è bello vincere un premio e non riceverlo **
Per @inleo il problema è ricorrente ed essendo un account ufficiale va immediatamente risolto secondo me perchè è un account di Inleo e non può dimenticarsi di inviare la delegazione!
Da quando ho controllato gli invii dei premi degli LPUD @inleo non ha mai inviato i premi e quindi @hazkripto (vincitore LPUD di novembre), @sayu907 (vincitore LPUD di ottobre), @wiseagent (vincitore LPUD di settembre), @vickoly (vincitore LPUD di agosto) non hanno ancora ricevuto il premio di Inleo come vincitori di una iniziativa creata da Inleo.

Questa situazione non fa buona pubblicità a Inleo e come LEO lover e LEO stakeholders spero che venga risolta al più presto e per questo motivo taggo @khaleelkazi
Spero di essere utile a Inleo e farò lo stesso controllo durante il prossimo LPUD e fino a quando non vedrò la distribuzione di tutti i premi dei prossimi LPUD!
Concludo questo post condividendo il rinnovo della mia Premium Subscription che costa 10 HBD e ha una durata di 1 mese.

Sono diversi mesi consecutivi che acquisto la Premium Subscription e i 10 HBD che ho speso oggi sono utilizzati per acquistare LEO e HIVE e per aumentare in modo permanente la liquidità della liquidity pool che ha come coppia proprio LEO e HIVE.

- InLeo UI:
- LeoDex:
- LeoFi:
- Hive Stats:
- LeoPedia:
- Hive Promotion Campaign by Inleo on Zealy: - InLeo Threads:
- LeoGlossary
- White Paper:

Important Note:
I am not a financial advisor and the information contained in this post is not financial advice.
Before investing in a blockchain project you should always do your own research and personal evaluations.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Congratulations! You are a hard crypto-worker!
thanks, I'm silmply an Hive lover :)
Truly, I haven't received my price. Thank you so much for the mention
I hope these delays in sending delegations will be resolved soon. I will continue to monitor this situation until it is resolved.
Good afternoon and best wishes to all of us.
thanks and have good day
Thank you. Hope you have a wonderful day too.
You dont wanna go for the 1 year premium and get some discount? 🦁
No, I'd rather pay month after month to get a larger amount of HP that put in stakes gives me slightly less than the discount I would get by paying for a year of premium. HPs are more important to me than any second-tier token ;)
Ah thats also a way to look at it! Looks like you are doing very well so 😅👏
It's nice to see that LEO stack increase and I think your efforts towards the LPUD prizes has helped a lot. It's too bad that the inleo and anomadsoul didn't give out their prizes yet.
I will continue to monitor the LPUD prize sendings until everything works 100%
Honestly it's something I don't understand because sending the delegation takes a few seconds of time...the Inleo team is always very busy and I think they will send the delegations but I hope they don't make it take so long
@tipu curate 2
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 33/53) Liquid rewards.
Grazie mille per il supporto
It's sad to see the promised rewards not being published even after months..
Honestly it's something I don't understand because sending the delegation takes a few seconds of time...the Inleo team is always very busy and I think they will send the delegations but I hope they don't make it take so long
I have never won a delegation from Inleo but I will continue to monitor the LPUD prize sendings until everything works 100%
It's been months, I too tried to bring the issue to their notice for the first couple of weeks but to no avail so i left it..
A 23k addition of Hive power from the first of January to December is a huge success. 22 days left and I'll like to know how much more Hive you got going into the run of next year. Congratulations to you for the LEO.
Thank you my friend.
I will try to reach 75K this year and then try to reach 100K in 2025
Indeed, hopefully you'll get there. I'm amazed how you put in ro much effort on Hive games.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
libertycrypto27 tipped mad-runner
@libertycrypto27(3/15) tipped @jfang003
I heard inleo delegation is quite reasonable. Its good to see how far inleo has come and I like the idea of them giving gifts and encouraging those who contribute to the project
Hey buddy. The @CryptoCompany Voting Service and its trail were here!
Thank you for your support & Hive a great day!
You like to support CryptoCompany or PowerPaul? Check out the posts from within the last 7 days!
• [ENG/DEU] Bro Bang Event 19 is over, 20 has started + EVENT & SEASON RANKINGS
Thanks for the mention,Let's see what we can do to have the missed people get their missed deligations.