Liberland's Resilience Shines 11 Days After the September 21 Attack

By Liberland Media Relations
It has been 11 days since the unfortunate events of September 21, and as we make our way to Washington, D.C. to seek support for our cause, we find ourselves in a moment of reflection. The journey has been long and challenging, but our resolve remains unbreakable.

Day 9 After the September 21 Attack

In the aftermath of the attack on Liberland, our vessels - the Liberty, the Bitcoin Freedom, the Swan, and even the Yacht House - have faced their fair share of challenges. But it's important to remember that ships can be repaired and improved. What truly defines Liberland is not our vessels but the unwavering spirit of our people - the courageous fighters and dedicated supporters who continue to stand by our side in these trying times.

Day 8 After the September 21 Attack

As we sail down the Danube with Serbia to our right and Croatia to our left, the vision of Liberland stands straight ahead, undeterred by recent setbacks.

Our journey continues, and while we encounter difficulties, we remain resolute.

In the spirit of transparency, we'd like to address some of the challenges we're facing. The recent influx of settlers, while heartening, has created logistical challenges. The limited space for sleeping, food, and water has led to overcrowding on some of our vessels. Newcomers, arriving with the best of intentions, may not fully grasp the current realities on the ground.

The Croatian police, in their interactions with us, oscillate between "nice guy" gestures and waiting for signs of weakness. It's crucial for us to stand strong and maintain our resolve.

As for the dangers that may not be immediately apparent, the police hold a monopoly on violence and are armed. While documenting their actions is important, it's equally vital to exercise caution, especially when dealing with officers who may disregard the law.

Conditions on Liberland soil have been challenging. Beyond the discomfort, there are concerns about living conditions, disease, and the presence of bugs and mosquitoes. Winter looms ahead, presenting additional challenges.

However, let us not forget the dedicated support team in Zmajavac, who tirelessly brought in food and supplies under trying conditions. They are the backbone of our efforts and deserve our utmost appreciation.

Our community consists of individuals with diverse motivations - some idealistic, others driven by different incentives. Regardless of these individual factors, our collective determination to maintain a presence on Liberland soil remains unshaken. We are not backing down.

As we continue to navigate through these turbulent waters, Liberland's commitment to liberty and justice burns brighter than ever. The challenges we face only serve to strengthen our resolve, and together, we remain firmly united in the pursuit of our shared ideals.

Live and Let Live!
