The Dynamics Of Photography
Many atimes I'd sat down to wonder on the different Dynamics of photography. How beautiful and magnificent they're looking. Some are natural gift of creation by the creator and some are artificially made and taken by humans. All these images and photos are taken by humans with their lenses and cameras. However, one interesting and intriguing facts about this, is that it can be taken and use for so many reasons and different purposes and memories sake.
Each picture or photo here represent or mean something in one way or the other depending on how you figure it and view them from your mind and perspective. I remember vividly remember a young man name John kaybel in the city of Dayton whose job was taking photography of different kinds and at anywhere he finds himself. That was his job and he made nothing less than a $10,000 a year on taking "calendar" photos yearly.
How amazing it is. To me i see Photography as a very good and interesting business that one can invest and venture into incase you're thinking of getting into one. There are types of photography one can venture into depending on the on the one you prefer or like the most. Whenever, i look at these varieties of photos here i get excited because they all look beautiful and amazing which makes me more interested and love photography the more.
Everyone in way or the takes pictures for the sake of memories eitherr with families, friends, colleagues, or when we travel for different purposes. In these, pictures there are a lot of varieties of images some are animals, cameras, phones, humans, food, and many others i cannot mention only but few. In whatever we do and wherever we go let's develop more passion and interest in taking photography for memory sake. They speak alot. People can remember them and us even when we are no longer alive but because of these beautiful and scintillating photos we took.
Go and take varieties of pictures and keep them. Never attempt to delete anyone, they have reasons why they were taken and give them the chance to be part of existence and your memory gallery.