visitando el circo de los valentinos en familia (ES/EN)
Hola hivers, como siempre es un placer estar compartiendo con ustedes en esta bella comunidad!
Hello hivers, as always it is a pleasure to be sharing with you in this beautiful community!
![Pastel Trazo Pinceladas Belleza Maquillaje Portada de Facebook (2).gif](
Hoy quiero compartirles una emoción que viví recientemente. Se trata de mi visita al circo los valentinos algo que me remontó a mi niñez pero esta vez lo hice con mis hijos,entonces la emoción fue doble.
To celebrate Christmas I recently traveled with my father, my children and nephews to my sister's house in Puerto La Cruz and when we arrived we found that my sister had a few tickets to the circus that was given to her by the company where she works and luckily we also found that the circus had a special promotion for the circus.
that the circus had a promotion of 2X1 and great we fell like a ring to the finger because we were a troop jajajajajajaja.
El circo tenia ya 11 a#os que no visitaba venezuela por lo que habia mucha gente con ansias de entrar a disfrutar de su espectaculo,habia bastante cola para entrar sin embargo aprovechamos la espera para tomarnos fotitos.
The circus had already 11 years that did not visit Venezuela so there were many people eager to enter to enjoy their show, there was quite a queue to enter however we took advantage of the wait to take pictures.
Las expectativas estaban muy altas porque tenia la curiosidad de saber si seguían teniendo los mismo actos y la misma esencia porque ya el padre de ellos que era quien animaba ya había fallecido, entonces tenia la duda si sus hijos habían seguido el ejemplo de su padre.
Expectations were very high because I was curious to know if they still had the same acts and the same essence because their father, who was the animator, had already passed away, so I had the doubt if his children had followed their father's example.
La realidad fue que a mi parecer si supero mis expectativas puesto que hubo actos que aun los conservaron y me hicieron recordar mi infancia y que ha pesar de ser otros artistas la esencia la conservan ese ánimo que transmiten es único, de manera que hizo que volviera a recordar mi infancia cuando mis padres nos llevaba cada vez que llegaban a mi ciudad.
Tuvo buenas puestas en escenas, hubo trapecistas, patinadores, el hombre bala, el elefante mas pequeño del mundo y el globo de la muerte, donde manejan motos dentro de el. sin dejar a un lado las dinamicas que realizan al publico para hacer interaccion con el mismo!! o sea un espectaculo maravilloso!
The reality was that in my opinion if it exceeded my expectations since there were acts that even kept them and made me remember my childhood and that despite being other artists the essence retained the spirit that transmit is unique, so that made me remember my childhood when my parents took us every time they came to my city.
It had good staging, there were trapeze artists, skaters, the bullet man, the smallest elephant in the world and the balloon of death, where they drive motorcycles inside it. without leaving aside the dynamics that make the public to interact with the same!!! that is a wonderful show!
Lo que más me gusto
Lo que mas me gustó del show fue cuando salieron los payasitos hacer la dinámica de la pelota, en donde lanzan al público varias pelotas grandotas y todos hacemos lo posible por tocarla y lanzarla jajja de verdad que es la dinamica mas divertida que he participado y es que no solo los niños se emocionan, sino tambien los adultos, mi padre fue uno que se gozó esa dinamica como no tienes idea jajaja . tan concentrada estaba en pegarle a la pelota que ni foto tomé jejeje.
What I liked the most
of the show was when the clowns came out to do the dynamic of the ball, where they throw several big balls to the public and we all do our best to touch it and throw it hahaha it really is the most fun dynamic that I have participated and not only the children are excited, but also the adults, my father was one who enjoyed that dynamic like you have no idea hahaha. I was so focused on hitting the ball that I didn't even take a picture hehehehe.
In conclusion I can say that I feel very satisfied to have taken my children to have that beautiful experience of seeing the acts of a circus, it was one of the best nights of our 2024. my children told me it's the best thing I've seen mommy and nah I was very excited to hear that !!!!
Bueno sin mas que contar por ahora, me despido hasta una nueva oportunidad. Espero que le haya gustado mi publicación.
¡Gracias por leer!
Well with nothing more to tell for now, I'll say goodbye until another opportunity. I hope you liked my publication.
Thank you for reading!
Todas las fotos y el contenido expuesto en este post son de mi autoría.
Fotografías capturadas desde mi celular redmi 9
Imágenes y separadores editadas en Power Point y Canva
All photos and content displayed in this post are of my authorship.
Photographs captured from my redmi 9 cell phone.
Images and dividers edited in Power Point and Canva
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