Cycling Community Weekly Milage Update, "Another All Black bike week"


Hello there Friends, Happy Monday evening - and thank you for your visit!

This is post 30 in the #cyclingcommunity, and this week it is still "all Black bike". I am hoping that tires and tubes come in later this week and "maybe" I can get in a mile or two before next Monday. If not... The Green bike will be back the week after that for sure!
And so... To the Black bike,

For this week -

The Black bike:

This Monday at 111.03 miles / 178.68 kilometers

An increase of,
40.819 miles / 65.707 kilometers


The Green bike:

This Monday at 14.330 miles / 23.06 kilometers

(*please excuse old images.. the bike never moved, images only for reference)

An increase of,
0.0 miles / 0.0 kilometers

So this puts the weekly total at,
40.819 miles / 65.707 kilometers (total) for the week as well.

This puts the total for 2025 at,
125.36 miles / 201.747 kilometers so far this year!

So not doing too bad! I am looking forward to getting the Green bike back out on the road and it should be soon!

And that was it for this week. I want to thank you again for your visit, I do appreciate it!

"Keep On Pedalin'"!

Remember "The Father" in ALL THINGS!
He "Remembers You"!
