Cycling Community Weekly Milage Update 01.27.25, better than last week!


Hello there Friends, Happy Monday evening - and thank you for your visit!

This is post number 28 in the #cyclingcommunity, and this week it will be another somewhat "low milage week", but we do have a few "goodies" for the bikes!
At first I was going to make a post dedicated to them, but I decided to include them in today's post instead.
So for this week -
This week this is where the numbers are,

The Black bike:

This Monday at 45.426 miles / 73.10 kilometers

An increase of,
10.829 miles / 17.42 kilometers


The Green bike:

This Monday at 14.330 miles / 23.06 kilometers

An increase of,
2.062 miles / 3.318 kilometers

So this puts the weekly total at,
12.891 miles / 20.746 kilometers (total) for the week as well - definitely low miles, but almost double last week!

And this puts the total for 2025 at,
59.756 miles / 96.167 kilometers so far this year!

Well, all in all especially compared to last year at this time - a great start to 2025!

So a few of the goodies!
The Black bike got a "New Stem"!

This is the old one, with the new. The old ones screws had gotten very rusty, so... Instead of letting them "break off" trying to remove them later - and they were ugly, I got a new "branded" stem. For this who say I could have bought new screws, "your right"... But there is almost no cost difference...

Next the seat! I mentioned this last week - but here are a few close-up views. From the side,

And straight on,

And new tire Valve caps dor the Black bike as well! I actually got 12 of these! I got 8 red ones and 4 black - in case the red didn't work (optics), but to be honest - I did double order by mistake!

And I got these "screw on", instead of rubber-band on taillights, for "both" bikes and... They are "brake lights" as well! They have a sensor that senses the brakes!

All that along with the new tires they both got last year, the new brake pads on the Green bike, the new computer on the Black bike make them both a bit different animals than last year - "but improved, Greatly"! Its hard to imagine, when your riding them that I originally bought the Green one in '07 and the Black one in 2010!

And that was it for this week. I want to thank you again for your visit, I do appreciate it!

"Keep On Pedalin'"!

Remember "The Father" in ALL THINGS!
He "Remembers You"!
