DIY snowman with Rice


Hello everyone welcome to my blog🤗. I'm here again to share my Christmas diy craft.

My daughter has been wishing to build a snowman for a while now. She's been anxious about when we'll build one together, like she'd watched other children do on television.

We don't experience snow where we are; it's just harmattan. I chose to improvise because I didn't want to make her feel sad.

Here is the steps on how i made snowman with rice.


  • A bowl of rice

  • black sock

  • white sock

  • Erasable marker ( red, black,bue and green)

  • Rubberband

  • Red sponge ( i couldn't find my red ribbons 😃)

  • Red pin

  • Scissors


STEP 1 : Fill up the black sock with rice, you will need a lot of rice for this so as to make it firm.

STEP 2 : Tie up the sock when you are done filling it with rice. Use your palm to create a space in the rice to make up the head of the snow man after which you use rubber band to hold it.

STEP 3 : Put the black sock inside the white sock and then use rubberband to hold it firm . Fold the remaining part of the sock to form a cap. Then still use rubberband to hold it firm so the head and the body will be firm .

STEP 4 : Use black marker to draw the eyes eith a smiling face. Then use the other markers for the buttons on the body of the snowman.

STEP 5: Tie the red ribbon as tie. I use red sponge here since i dont have ribbon at home. Then use the pin as the nose , you can use orange pompom if you have one at home.

We are done making the snowman. My princess is happy because we build ours specially with all the items we have at home .

All images are mine

Thanks for reading through, you can also try making it too.
This is my 2nd entry in the #Diychristmas contest.


It looks great, your little girl has her snowman just like the other children, even if hers is a miniature. She looks happy playing with it.


Yeah she's happy, I'm glad I was able to make her smile


A nice way to use house hold materials to create the snowman. Nicely done.
