Traits gotten from parents

The human DNA is very impressive in the way it stores information about us and passes it on to our offspring. It kind of reminds me of a memory card that stores information and how you can transfer that information to another memory card. When it comes to DNA, we don't get a say on what we want to pass on to our offspring and it's pretty normal to see children that have a lot more traits from one parent than the other. This information that is passed on goes beyond just physical appearance but also extends to behaviour and character.

Many people don't know about some of the traits that they got from their parents until someone points it out or they find out on their own years later. For example, I didn't know I looked a lot like my mom until people started saying it whenever I was with her in public. That's when I started to pay attention and realized we have a lot in common, but the one that freaked me out is that we have the same huge birthmark on our right shoulder. Anyway, I will now talk about the nonphysical traits I got from my parents, starting with my dad.

From my father

My dad is an introvert and at first I didn't even realize it until I noticed that he hardly ever goes out of the house except going to work, church or meetings. On Sundays, he only goes to church and after that, he spends the whole day at home. Other men in my house usually go out on most Sundays either to hang out with friends or go drinking but my dad is different. He also doesn't have a lot of friends and I can't even remember the last time he visited the few ones he has or they visited him.

I'm also just like him; an introvert. I don't have lots of friends and I rarely go out of my house except for a good reason. I would say that I'm a bigger introvert than my dad because at the very least he is not shy and can confront people when they do something he doesn't like. I on the other hand have a big tolerance and I rather let things go than confront people who did something wrong, although it's mostly things that I think aren't a big deal. But for extreme things, I burst out with anger that doesn't easily fizzle out. Now I don't even know where I got that trait from 😅

From my mother

As I earlier said, I got a lot of traits from my mom and it's probably because I'm the first child. I actually read somewhere that the first child of a couple gets most of their traits from the mother, but I don't know if it's a fact or just a theory. Anyway, one thing I got from my mom is a great sense of humour. My mom is the comedian in my family, she's very funny and also has a great sense of humour. I also love cracking jokes and it's one of my strongest traits (if I can't make you laugh, then we can't be friends 😉).

My mom is also a great teacher, which isn't surprising since she went to a teacher's college back in the day and worked as a professional teacher for a while. She did home lessons for me and my sisters when we were kids and this helped me top my class in all exams. I'm also a great teacher and although I don't teach professionally, I have been in situations where I had to teach people what I know and many of them have complimented me that I'm very good at teaching and breaking down complex concepts into easy and understandable ones.

These traits vs life

These traits I have mentioned have helped me all my life and are still helping me. First of all, I love being an introvert because that's how I levelled up a lot of skills over the years. While my friends were hanging out together and having the best time of their lives, I was always indoors learning new skills or improving on existing ones. The downside is that I don't socialize easily and my networking skills are very low but I'm working on that one for now, at least it's easier to do that on the Internet from the safety of my room 😁

As for being funny and a great teacher, who wouldn't love these? Being a great teacher gave me a promotion back when I was enrolled in a computer school. Just 3 months into the school, I was already everyone's favourite because of how easily I explained concepts to them and when our teacher left after he got admission into the university, the school owner made me the next teacher, while I was still a student. So, I learned things on my own when I got home, and then taught it to the other students the next day, including people who started the training months before I did.

I would very much love to pass these traits on to my kids, they have helped me so much in life and I believe they will help them too. But I just have one slight adjustment; I wouldn't want them to be fully an introvert, but rather they should be a mix of both introverts and extroverts (ambivert). This is because I want them to learn networking skills early on and socialize easily so that they won't find it hard to do when they are adults. But overall, these traits are great and I don't see why they wouldn't be useful to my future kids.

Thanks for reading

Connect with me on:
Twitter: @kushyzeena
Readcash: @kushyzee

Lead image: Image by Freepik
Edited with Canva
First image: Image by storyset on Freepik
Second image: Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik


Really cool one. I love that you got more from your mum. That shows that you have to take care of her so much. And on my end my dad is the funny guy. Though not always funny when we were younger. 😂. But now we are older, he can smile with us. 😆


That's actually the same with my dad, he is also funny but was very strict when we were younger, how he has relaxed a bit 😁 thanks for stopping by bro


Your dad's character surely rubbed on you by the number of friends and introvert nature of your dad yet you excelled by being a good teacher, a trait you picked from your mom.

If you're not careful, you may just end up in the academic field.


That's why I'm being careful 😂 I'm good at teaching but I don't actually like it, in the end, it's a very stressful profession. Thanks for stopping by


I see where you get these chstcteristics from. You sure are a great teacher always ready to put your all for a better understanding
