A cruise adventure would be great

It seems a lot of us here on Hive are introverts, at least that's the hint I got from other people's articles that I went through. One thing with us introverts is that we rarely go on adventures, we barely even leave the house! 😅 To be honest, I'm not fully an introvert, I'm a mix of both worlds; an ambivert. The reason I'm always at home is that there's no money, I'm always busy with learning skills that will benefit me in the future or grinding here on Hive to save up some money that will help me achieve one goal or the other

Once in a while, I do like to dream and wonder what it will be like when I'm finally wealthy. Sometimes, I imagine having millions of dollars in my bank account, I will definitely be outside all day 😅 Just travelling around the world and seeing beautiful places. I'm saying this because many years ago, I was a big-time extrovert, spending most of my time outdoors with friends, just fooling around with no worries in the world. But as reality sets in and I realize I have a lot of responsibilities waiting for me in the future, I had to withdraw into my shell and strategize. No more fooling around.

When it comes to adventures, we're talking about outdoor activities (this is not about adventure video games) and I have some I would love to do and some others I won't even go near. Some of the ones I won't even bother to try in this life are skydiving, bungee jumping, ziplining, in fact, any activity that involves very high places or/and me being suspended in the air by a rope or some piece of fabric is not for me. Some of the ones I would love to try are camping, safari, touring Las Vegas (and its many casinos!). But on top of my list is;

Ship cruise!

Yeah, I love luxury, coz going on a luxurious ship cruise is definitely not cheap! That was one that I saw in TikTok that cruises for 9 months and costs around $60,000, convert that to naira and it's over 76 million 😅 but it's cheaper if the cruise is just between some few days (maybe 10 days) and a few weeks (like 8 weeks). I have always seen ship cruises in movies and it doesn't look that impressive but seeing a video tour of one on TikTok completely blew my mind.

First of all, the size of those cruise ships is just shocking! Then you have all sorts of “buildings” in them such as restaurants, cinemas, golf courses, casinos, gyms, clinics, swimming pools, sports centres, and this one is even shocking; a car racing track! Yes, I saw one that has a race track on it. Just think of a cruise ship as a hotel, a very gigantic hotel that floats on water. But this hotel takes you places, I mean you can just be in Canada today and tomorrow you're in Switzerland, I'm definitely going to go on one of those cruises in the future.

I know there are downsides to this cruise and one of them is seasickness. I don't even know if I have that problem because I haven't been on a ship before but I guess I will find out sooner or later 😁. Aside from satisfying my curiosity, one other reason I would love to go on a cruise is to fill up some gaps in my knowledge of the ocean. I studied Aquaculture at the university and one of our core courses is oceanography; the study of the ocean. Going on a cruise will give me the opportunity to see some of the ocean phenomena I was taught in school.

Another core course I did in school was seamanship and navigation, which is basically all about how a ship navigates itself on the sea using things like radars and sonar. Spending time with the captain of the ship will give me the opportunity to see some of those tools and equipment in action. While filling gaps in my knowledge, I'm also enjoying myself and taking part in the activities the ship offers. A ship cruise is one of the major things on my bucket list, I'm very confident that I will get a chance to be on one someday.

Thanks for reading

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Twitter: @kushyzeena
Readcash: @kushyzee

Lead image: Image by chandlervid85 on Freepik
Edited with Canva
First image: Photo by Diego F. Parra on Pexels


Cruise ships these days are just magnificent structures and to think that you'll be on the water for such a long time, not seeing water for months. It's kinda scary, but also sounds kinda fun as well.
At such an exorbitant amount, it has to be an enjoyable experience or there'll be he'll to pay😂


😂 they better be bringing food to my room every day from morning to night after paying such an amount. Thanks for stopping by boss 🙌


hahah i am also an introvert, i rarely go out, in my 30 years span of life, i only once gone out of country, but i have a plan to go on world tour, i don't know when it will happen, i am hopeful very soon.

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I guess you will get to go on that world tour when you have lots of money 🤑 thanks for stopping by


Hahaha, we are both on the same page here. I want to go on an adventure on a ship cruise too. I want to feel the fun in there. People who cruise on ships are always having fun especially when I watch in movies. Even though the sea might scare me, let me try it too. Lol


😅 the sea is very scary, and that's why I never go to the edge of the ship if I happen to be on one, I will just be admiring the ocean from far 😂 thanks for stopping by Princess


Ship cruise would definitely be filled with a lot of fun and going by your justification, you have a lot to gain in such an adventure.


Yeah, I get to experience some things about the ocean when I go on one of those cruise 😊 thanks for stopping by


This is really a luxurious adventure that worth all the time one allocates to it. It would be fun and it's also a great way to feel relaxed. I hope to do this too in the future, it would be great indeed.


Definitely. I believe it will be a remarkable relaxing experience to go on a cruise. Thanks for stopping by 😊
