How much have I improved in digital art? (2021-2023)


Hello my dear bloggers! Today i'm sharing this post of this drawing ive made today, of comparing how much ive improved since 2021! Enjoy.

To start off, the first drawing that ill be sharing is from 2021, and the second one is from 2023, which ive drawn today!

Imagen de WhatsApp 2023-06-03 a las 19.41.03.jpg
Imagen de WhatsApp 2023-06-03 a las 19.39.51.jpg

I am not that proud of how the second drawing turned out, hopefully in some months ill re-draw it to see how much ive improved, again!(If i manage to even remember, obviously). The first drawing was one of my first digital drawings that i shared with you guys! If you had been here from the start, you may had seen it once, i have more of these old drawings, so maybe if this post gets many votes ill be doing more of these! So if you want please consider leaving a vote;-) And, i actually wanted to make this drawing the most symmetrical possible so i had to do multiple tries, in the speedpaint you may not see them bcs i deleted them :')... by the way, this time i managed to make a speedpaint out of it!


The 2021 version(original one btw) was made exactly on april 26, 2021! If you want to take a look at the original post, here it is!( I remember i was really proud of this one! And, to be honest i am kind of embarassed of it, though its probably normal, if i had to judge it id say that, the hair looks messy and not good at all, the eyes are horrible, the lips are not realistic at all, and oh my god the proportions are killing me... the eyes are EXTREMELY BIG and are too high, i cant define the point of the nose though, since i only drew a line for the nose HAHAHHAHAH The colors are NO GOOD either.. the hair is really dark and the skin color is a big contrast compared to the hair, and i didnt even put an eye color so i had to improvise when drawing the 2023 version😭 The background is not bad... even though the 2023 version is not good either i honestly think its too plain.. but its okay since i was(still am)a rookie at digital art 😿!!!... But anyways!

By the way, today i got my computer back(yay), so ill be looking foward to do a yandere simulator post soon >:-)...

By the way, when i made this drawing i was 10 years old!!(yes, i am 12..) so im not really impressed by how bad my drawings used to be 😊

If you're wondering, i used a tablet to draw this!(2023 ver.) And i used a phone to draw the 2021 drawing:-)

Here ends my post for today! See you on my next post!(hopefully tomorrow) Byeee!



Ur desings are pretty good cool, but i'm My opinión the old one looks more interesting ir have soul. Keep going 💚
