Wiz Drip 94. Decide How to Play the Energy Roulette

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 94 - Interpretation

Interpretation. Your colorful palette of perceptional noises clutters our senses, hijacking the mind and throwing it into a spider web of miraculous essences. You like to spread your wings across different explanations, leaving us in the dark, trying to decipher and understand the very fabric of your peculiar nuances.

When confronted with our limiting beliefs, judgment takes the front seat, and apprehension sinks into the abyss. Analyzing reality was never part of your repertoire, yet you willingly engage in discussions that push our level of awareness to new heights.

How can we harness your analytical prowess to dismantle disempowering perspectives and open the gates to new levels of creation?

Questioning and reframing paradigms requires a growth mindset. As your knowledge bank expands, expect the trickery to extend. Use discernment to navigate the realms and continuously gain insights about various aspects of the internal and external environment.

Stay vigilant when confronted with my entangled subtleties, as there are myriads of ways I can seize control over your consciousness.

Decide how to play the energy roulette, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎
