Wiz Drip 88. Don’t Let the Illusion of Reality Crush Your Muse and Drive

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 88 - Inspiration

Inspiration. You encourage us to generate bouquets of ideas and pull the genius out from the hidden. Your enthusiasm is infectious, opening the doors to unlimited possibilities we never imagined. Once your flash captures our attention, it ignites the flames from a deeper layer of revelation.

When your frequency gets confused with motivation, you turn inwards and awaken our willingness to continue the journey of imperfection. Without your vibe, we would be lost in an ocean of discouragement and depression.

How can we use your stimulus to keep moving forward with exaltation despite the nefarious experiences we will encounter on our adventures?

Know that thy diamond spark loves communicating with you via flashes and hunches. When that impulse aligns with your feelings, gut, and mind, act upon it without over-analyzing and wasting your precious time. Instincts coupled with my insights are intense and deliver instant results.

Include me in your life and allow creativity to join my energetic smile. Watch people and opportunities being attracted to your abundant style.

Don’t let the illusion of reality crush your muse and drive, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎


Know that thy diamond spark loves communicating with you via flashes and hunches. When that impulse aligns with your feelings, gut, and mind,

recognize your surety, and do not doubt
