Wiz Drip 64. Sugarcoating Failure Won’t Cut It in This Clown Town

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 64 - Performance

Performance, we’re so thrilled that you exist and persist in this Earthly realm where everything is inverted and spiced with a twist. You love accolades in the form of accomplishments while we struggle to tame the ego and balance it with achievements.

You dance with your appearance, tricking our minds into believing we must strive for completion in a world based on addiction. The more you can convince us to turn outwards, the easier you pave your way towards success.

How can we juggle with your vibration to align our inner and outer compass and marry them with your intention?

You are a sovereign being equipped with willpower upon descending into this reality. Use your imagination to tap into my energy and attain your deepest wishes.

I can motivate you to a certain degree from the outside, but you’re the Jedi Knight and the wizard who knows how to transform inspiration into matter with your magical wand.

Sugarcoating failure won’t cut it in this clown town, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎
