Wiz Drip 60. You’ve Trained for This Harsh Environment for Billions of Years

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 60 - Courage

Courage, we devour your strength whenever you show up, albeit your appearance is seldom a constant in our lives. You’re the catalyst that thorns everything apart, leaving us puzzled and soft in our hearts. The adrenaline spikes are alchemized by your high-frequency vibe, clearing the kidneys from fear and shadow parasites.

Intuition is your closest friend, pride not so much. Thy flavors collide with our expectations, especially if the outcomes don’t match our touch. However, you never stop to knock on the door and help us boost our strife.

How can we capitalize on your grit to move boldly through space and time?

You’re an incredibly audacious, brave, and tenacious being who decided to participate in this adventure, so you might as well behave as such. Use sports to move the energy in your vehicle and cleanse the electromagnetic connection between Mother Earth and the stars.

Observe nature to understand how grids and sacred geometry keep the illusion of your reality locked in a mental box. Dare to turn the keys with your senses. Be witty and determined to recall my power back into your avatar.

You’ve trained for this harsh environment for billions of years, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎
