Wiz Drip 157. Never Give Up On Yourself

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip - 157 Validation

VALIDATION. A look in the mirror confirms what you’ve always known, namely that energy can never be destroyed. You appear transformed when you go through a life cycle prone to elevate your core and realign with a newly derived form.

A smooth verification program proves you’ve been here before, only to endorse and send you back to the beginnings of a process carefully encoded by the matrix architect in your spinal cord.

How can we use your authoritative state to become the best and most powerful version of ourselves?

Accept the choice you made when you decided to play this third-dimensional game. You’ve trained for this harsh environment for billions of years. Now that you’re here, deploy discernment and critical thinking while moving the pieces on the chessboard as you remember why you came.

You don’t need anyone's approval to follow your mission, nor do you require recognition to play to your strengths.

Never give up on yourself, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎
