Wiz Drip 132. Keep Upgrading Your Biological Computer

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 132 - Shedding

Shedding. You are a magnificent teacher who is helping us release the shackles we have put on our minds and spirit. Your energy is refreshing while we’re concentrating on cleansing and peeling off the layers goodwill has gifted us without previously asking.

You are a powerful transformational agent, reminding us that we need not fear or resist dropping the familiar and embracing the unknown, which comes in different stages and variations.

How can we use your exfoliation ritual to reboot our engines and raise our vibration?

At birth, you are given a name, clothes, education, and religion. You then spend your entire life defending this identity, the labels and skins associated with your upbringing, having no clue who you truly are.

Raise your awareness and unlock my frequency to peek behind the illusion, playing its tricks harmoniously. Notice your thoughts feeding in and from a matrix seamlessly integrated into a simulation of your senses.

Keep upgrading your biological computer, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎
