Wiz Drip 114. Hoping and Wishing Won’t Move the Needle

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 114 - Dedication

Dedication. You are celebrated for your commitment to shine despite fear programmed deeply into the human circuitry. Passion exudes from your pleasant frequency, honoring those who adhere to your vibe wholeheartedly. Your loyal companionship is a rare gift that we cherish irrespective of conflicting messages.

Devotion makes your heart sing while you cheer on souls who value and pursue their craft relentlessly. Nothing can stop your powerful machinery when you become a key ingredient of our identity.

How can we tap into your impressive energy to create abundantly and live harmoniously?

Change your weaponry if you don’t like the results of your agony. Pull in joy from the other extremity while you fight spells, frustration, and other shadow parasites from lower realities. Duality is the perfect adventure to train your resilience and mentality.

The journey is mysterious, magical, and filled with opportunities once you adhere to my proven principle and don’t poke around willy-nilly.

Hoping and wishing won’t move the needle, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎
