Wiz Drip 112. Round and Round You Go; Never Stop to Explore

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 112 - Cycles

Cycles. Tick tack, tick tack, and you are off to the ether like a reliable clock. Rhythm makes your frequency spiral through the nods of an illusionary box connected to time and space, like an icosahedron or some other shape that resembles a rock.

Choice is not part of your repertoire as you focus on quintessential sparks that build gridlines embedded deeply into your infinity star. Your omnipresence magnifies the skies, turning us inwards to appreciate eternity quenched in a tiny avatar.

How can we use your beautiful patterns to walk through life with joy, grace, and passion?

Understand that there is no escape from my rotational matter. Be grateful and embrace the now as you paddle towards an ever-present ladder. Observe nature and enjoy the energy shifts that mask your ongoing mental chatter.

My vibes are here to stay; it's up to you whether you make the most of me while you play the game.

Round and round you go; never stop to explore, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎
