The Candor Frequency (Fiction)

The Candor Frequency 01 - Fiction Story by Krisz Rokk

“Which way now, Captain?”

“Take the left corridor and walk down to the middle until you see a platinum door on your right. Once you open the door, you’ll go down a steep staircase leading to a large crystalline chamber with access to six rooms. Open the third door to your right and place Tangy on the golden table surrounded by pink and green crystals. I’ll reconnect with you once you’re there.”

Stima closed the connection and teleported himself quickly into the proximity of a blue portal behind a waterfall. He swiftly switched a couple of timelines before setting up a new set of codes.

“I placed Captain Tangy on the table. What now?” Aeynd removed his sword from the back of his shield and kept it close to his body in case of an attack.

“I see you did. Excellent work. Three Lyrans will perform the surgery, and one Andromedan will oversee the intervention. I placed two of your fellow Felines and five Sirians at the lower and upper entrances of the pyramid to ensure nobody enters unseen. You may leave the room and wait outside for further instructions.”


A soldier freed Aeynd from the chromium cube he had spent the last three centuries in before receiving a fair trial. He was shunned and locked away without the prospect of ever tasting freedom again, and all this time passed without being allowed to lead his team to battle and fight the galactic wars that decimated the inhabitants of his home planet. Aeynd was determined to find those who hijacked the last operation and killed Captain Stima.

“How could such a meticulously planned and executed operation go south? Who had Intel on Captain Tangy’s surgery except those involved closely?”

These questions were spinning in Aeynds head when he was taken to speak out in front of the Intergalactic Grand Jury.

“Lieutenant Aeynd, we extensively heard your part of the story in our previous hearings. We have gathered here today to witness your reaction to the candor frequency. This is your last chance to convince the Intergalactic Grand Jury of your innocence and regain your freedom. Do you agree to expose your cosmic heart to this explosive frequency?” The majestic violet being with a deep, smoky voice finished the question with a few coughs.

“Yes. I agree,” answered Aeynd promptly without allowing the members of the Grand Jury to scan the light codes integrated into the deeper layers of his Feline avatar.

The Candor Frequency 02 - Fiction Story by Krisz Rokk

“Please step inside the violet sphere to your right and answer the following questions,” continued the majestic violet being, whose skin tone was slightly darker than the color of the sphere Aeynd had to step into.

Suddenly, an electric pink light covered the sphere in its entirety, and Aeynd's heart opened up widely. The pink light streams connected to his heart transmission center, causing Aeynd to levitate inside the sphere in an upright position with his head slightly tilted to the right. The candor frequency ceremony was ready to commence.

“Who else was in the room when you left Captain Tangy on the table?”

“I ensured nobody was inside before I exited to guard the entrance, as per Captain Stigma’s orders.”

“Are you properly trained in deciphering and removing shapeshifters from other dimensional realms?”

“Yes, I am. That’s what makes the Feline species so extraordinary.”

“Were you aware of the shape-shifting capabilities Captain Tangy had acquired while being taken hostage by the Draco?”

“Yes, I was. Before taking him to the pyramid, I disabled and removed an implant placed by the Draco that kept sending his location and other personal information to their data centers.”

“Who else had Intel on Captain Tangy’s cosmic surgery?”

“No one except those listed on the screen before the Grand Jury.”

“You may close your heart and step out of the Sphere, Lieutenant. Thank you for your candor. You are free to go.”


“Gosh, we missed you, Aeynd. Going to battle without you all these years has been quite boring. Draco are losing planets and fighting like madmen. It's so good to have you back, my friend,” said Cougar warmly.

“Good to be with you guys.”

Aeynd looked at his fierce fellow Felines, who had been keeping guard that day during Captain Tango’s surgery, and continued in a severe tone.

“I know who’s behind all this. They injected a false set of codes into the candor frequency, making it difficult for anyone in our galaxy to trace them back. By using Jumpers to hijack violet liquid plasma from Andromeda and placing it into the four-strand DNA sequence of Reptilians, they closed the loop for all other galactic species to be able to detect shapeshifters. But they couldn’t corrupt our Feline DNA, leaving us the only ones who can identify them.”

“That’s why they locked you up and sent us to fight these stupid wars,” said Cougar, waving his paw up in the air.

“That’s exactly right, Cougar.”

“Who has become our number one enemy, Aeynd?”

“It’s an entirely new species - a hybrid - a galactic monster made of DNA strands from all starseeds. They want to rule the multi-galaxies. We’re the only species who can fight and eliminate them.”

“Let’s get to work then, my galactic brothers.”

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

Creative art: AI-generated images by Daniela S. via Midjourney

Quantum Stories and Poems by Krisz Rokk


Very entertaining science fiction story. I like when the author creates these wonderful worlds beyond the reach of humans and brings them to life to amaze readers.


It makes you wonder whether it's science fiction or another realm of reality ;) Thank you for your kind words.
