The Amethyst Kraken from Avion (Fiction)
“Why are you always telling us about wars and simulations? Why can’t we just play like everyone else here on Avion?”
“You come from a reputable family, and as your private tutor, I’m responsible for how you absorb information. There is a big difference between knowing and understanding how to decode data streams that were previously tainted. Recognizing is the first step, but deciphering the core communication grid line is preserved for the wisest among the galactic species.”
“Avion has never been under attack. We have the best negotiators in the galaxy, and Father has built strong alliances across the multiverse to ensure it stays that way.”
“I see. This tells me we have a long way to go before you two grasp the notion of playing inside or outside a simulation.”
The 5th dimension was considered a safe haven. The portals stayed open for those who remembered how to exit high-density realms and juggle with higher frequencies.
Convinced that they’ve finally exited the simulation after several millennia of trial and tribulation, the new arrivals set out to party and celebrate winning the battle, only to discover that this wasn’t the end of the game but rather an upgraded version of the meta-simulation.
“What now, smarty pants? How many more of these traps lie ahead of us?”
“They wiped out my memory when I passed through the blue sapphire gate. The program was from a higher dimension, probably 8th or above, as they are technologically more advanced. I know someone who can help us level up even further, but I don’t know how to reach him. He was my teacher at the military academy when I lived in the Lyra constellation.”
“Don’t get me started with your starseed stories. We got rid of those biological computers to find ourselves dressed up in these ridiculous humanoid vessels looking like smurfs. I want my Feline fur back; at least it served as a camouflage. Come on, Nexy, how do we get out of this mess?”
The military base was one of Mr. Candor’s homes. He had his tentacles all over the multiverse, trying to spread his knowledge and wisdom with beings seeking to elevate galactic consciousness.
On his way to the classroom, a Feline soldier stopped him.
“Sir, Mr. Candor, my brother is trapped in the 5th, and it seems he has forgotten the spiral technique you taught us when he was at the base. I tried to connect with him multiple times, but I can't bypass the electromagnetic shield to download the 8th ascension program into his DNA. Any suggestions?”
“Go to Avion and look me up in the castle. You need to upgrade yourself first to pull Matthew out.”
“Sir, thank you, Sir.”

The doors of the crystal white and electric violet castle opened widely, and Captain Marlon was greeted by two dragons spitting Amethyst fire.
“Master Soruk knows you’re here.”
Upon entering, the Feline soldier noticed a beautiful Amethyst Kraken floating 100 inches above the floor. He approached the Kraken firmly and respectfully.
“You’re one of Candor’s Captains, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Master.”
“It looks like your brother made it to the 5th after doing fantastic work in the 3rd. I like that. We need more brave soldiers like him to help diamond sparks spiral out of the first simulation.”
“Master, how can I help my brother return to the base?”
“It all comes down to your negotiation skills Captain. My dragons will give you three golden spheres. If you integrate this trinity frequency into the Draco reptilian data streams emitting from the Brown Galaxy, I’ll provide you with the necessary downloads.”
Matthew gave Marlon a big hug upon his arrival at the military base, smiling from cheek to cheek.
“Bro, so good to have my fur back. Boy, did I miss this vibe. What strings did you pull to get me out of the 5th?”
“Do you remember our first battle against the Draco?”
“The one where we captured Figur and his team?”
“Yeah, that one. Figur helped me out. He shape-shifted and encoded the frequency of the golden spheres into the Draco mainframe.”
“You didn’t, did you? Do our guards on Avion know about this?”
“It’s none of their business.”
“What about Master Soruk?”
“He has a gift for you.”
“No. No. No. I’m not going back to Earth, no matter what. How could you do this to me, bro?”
“Chill. Earth has split. We have a different mission.”
Images: AI-generated images by Daniela S. aka @wayofaiki via Midjourney

You have a great imagination to create a futuristic world and situations. I really like reading fantastic works that transport us to surreal and completely out of the ordinary scenario our reality.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Excellent Thursday.
I'm glad you embarked on this adventure with me and enjoyed the ride 😊 Have an awesome day!