B.C #6 // Dream Crush!


It's weird but feels like the only place I could spend time with him is in my dreams.
Hell no! I don't even like him in reality, I doubt I have a crush on him either, but every time he comes into my world uninvited, I only get those moments in my dream and this feels really awkward.
Sometimes it feels so real, it looks real too, I get confused too, only to wake up and realize it was all but a dream and this makes me glad, because I can't imagine myself having a crush on someone so unreachable and so unreal.

But for obvious reasons, being around him makes my heart fluster, undeniably I think I keep falling for him in my dream and I just can't help it. I seem to nurture these emotions too, cause a minute spent away from him makes my heart grow fonder.
I hate to admit that I might likely be falling for this person, it's been a while since I actually had my heart yearn so much for someone, it's been a while since I had my emotions all over the place for someone.
It seemed sudden but slowly I was letting down my guard and letting my emotions lead me.
I almost admitted to myself that I like him, Perhaps I love him, but the funny thing is that it all only happens in my dream and the moment I wake up I don't have those feelings and it's a good thing cause I simply cannot risk having such feelings for this person.
It's not right, and it's so unacceptable for a lot of reasons.



Tonight it came more intense, I woke up to the troubling emotions again and I can't help but wonder what exactly is going on.
Why am I nurturing these emotions in my dream and it only happens in my dream
I know for a fact that it is never the same in reality even if I see this person so why this dual emoticons. Why do I feel I only like this person or I am only falling for this person in my dream?
I need to save myself from this before it gets really messy.
But the truth is that I don't know how to or what to do, but I believe I can try atleast.
And I don't know if I am in this situation alone, or there are people that have experienced this themselves too.
If any, what did you guys do in such situation? Help a friend would you?

1st March, 2025
