"Favourite Five" #9 featuring Onni Saltevo, Ace Pelka, FTC x Deep Fried, Adam Mueller & Magenta Skateboards
I'm such a nerd when it comes to skateboarding, a REAL NERD! I dedicate lots of hours weekly digging new skaters, watching skate videos and reading about skateboarding!
I know lots of homies don't have that much free time to do this but all of us skateboarders love watching dope videos so I'm starting "Favourite Five", a weekly blog highlighting my personal favourite five skate parts/videos that came out the past week!
Check them out
Santa Cruz Skateboards presents: Onni Saltevo
I love watching Scandinavian skateboarding and Onni Saltevo's new Santa Cruz video part was exactly what was missing this week!
Onni's dope sketchy style, those hardcore Finnish spots and that sweet tune make this part so freaking good! My favourite thing about this part though is the vibes, you can tell Onni is having so much fun doing his thing! Great work yo
Ace Pelka's "Naturals" Part
Every time a new Ace Pelka part comes out I get reminded how awesome skateboarding is! Not that I don't have fun skateboarding but come on, Ace makes it look so much more fun and that's because he's having so much fun doing it!
His new "Naturals" part is definitely one of his best works so far. Slappy king Ace slappied the hell at out of every spot in his path, skated trees (?!?) and dropped in to some serious ditches! Holy shit this was a masterpiece, respect!
FTC x Deep Fried Back To My World
This is BY FAR the best skate video of this week in my opinion! A heavy crew, clips from both San Fransisco and BCN and great filming/editing! 10/10!
Not even know where to start from so just click "play", watch it and thank me later in case you've missed this one!
Adam Mueller in 'MINTED'
Adam Mueller's 'MINTED' is the epitome of a street part
I might have said that FTX x Deep Fried is the best video that came out this week but that's my pure skateboarding approach cause this one was my personal favourite!
The spots Adam chose to skate were pure street spots, his style makes every trick, even a Kickflip look fucking dope and the song made me feel like I was watching Mark Appleyard's Flip Really Sorry part! Wild one, don't miss it, especially the OG skaters who are gonna feel the same vibes as I did!
A Magenta skateboards video part is a must in this "Favourite Five" series right?!? Yeah I know, I'm a big fan but hey, just take a look at Glen Fox, Jeremy Jones & Jimmy Lannon Magenta "Just Cruise 2" part, it's insane!
Perfect spots, VX filming on another level and boyz have style for dayzzzzz! It's not about the tricks, it's all about where and how you do them and of course how they were filmed!
That's it for this week everyone! Hope you enjoyed watching those parts/videos! Let me know which one was your favourite as well as link any dope skate videos you digged this week at the comments section bellow, always on the look out for new video parts/videos!
Much love and...
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Thanks for curating this awesome list.
Ace Pelka is one of our heros <3 nice choice
Yeha man he rocks. Doesn't he look like @xvlad in some clips?