Not Afraid

Anytime in life, life is already filled with challenges of which if you fail to prepare and face it squarely, then it will face you squarely in way that it treats the cowards who fail to take responsibility over their challenges, on this note I will tell you that, "Not Afraid" by Eminem is what lift my mural above any challenges am facing, is necessary to understand it that life is not bed rosaries rather is filled also with challenges which you has to take down as a living being, you can only have rest of mind when you have pass away through death, even at death some people does not still have rest lol😅
Living a life if a coward is unjust while living a life filled with bravery is a way I embrace the challenges, vulnerability while fighting for the better future ahead. Main looking at it at the lyrics of this song is so power that he went ahead to give me a stand on the following on;
• Not to be Afraid
• To take my stand as I take chances and opportunities
This song goes a long way to inspire me to work alone side with people within me with the same mindset, because when you work in group, there is better chances to go far and to achieve a lot fast and more which knowledge and experience is gotten, of which i have tried it and it works for me and still working for me till today, hence this song went ahead to inspire me no matter the condition I found myself I have to make chance and make myself comfortable around it.
The fact I love about this song "Not afraid" is the caption which relate in my life, in such a way that fears, emotional conditioning and vulnerability are hidden and diminished despite trying to surface sometime in my life, but the caption of this song from Eminem kills it all in life and refill me up with courage that subdue it for me, although you have to understand that having sign of fear is normal but sign of weakness can kill and deny you a lot when not properly handled, that is the reason I don't actually make room to accommodate it in my life. "Not afraid" always encourages me and mold me for a better future as understanding achievement is mainly to be achieved.
Today I am always brave and good at what I do due to the inspiration I get from the lyrics from this song, even to the extent I lead others to the side of success as he mentioned within the lyrics of the song. that to tell you that the the weak learn from me, hence today and forever I vow not to be afraid despite being human who is bound to experience such, hence when fear comes, I always remember to give it the right conditions and maintain my stands knowing that some many are looking after me to succeed, so therefore am not main to slack in any dimension of life. Understanding this is the only way out is to be brave and not to be afraid.
Hence the earlier you understand the this with life as I do based on understanding challenges of life is the norms and is step forward to greatness, hence this also made me to to adopt the spirit of dominance and control over my life and wherever I find myself doing, which has taking me to the extent in achieving a lot academically, morally, psychologically, technically, scientifically and much more. making me to be more significant in my environment and relevant as a young promising youth that has a brighter future to come as the days count by.
In one way or the other "Not afraid" have made me to take so certain risk with caution of which some are afraid and ashamed to do most time, " Not afraid" has always inspire me not to fear while I take new step in exploring a new opportunity to try out thing in alignment with my ambition to do sometimes that can be challenging.
Therefore let me tell you my secret behind me being tall😅 in all I do both physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and psychologically is not being afraid at all cost, which is inspired by the song, "Not Afraid" by Eminem. Is better to face the challenges of life with braveness than to die for it since challenges of life are certain and cannot be removed.

My life is a testimony, I have to tell a lot of people which have being inspired with different kinds of inspiration from songs, the same to me, starting from the caption to the stanza of the lyrics of this song, hence I will tell you that being unafraid of any uncertainties is the step, inspiration that encourage me a lot to face my challenges in order to achieve my aims and my obligations, one another thing that inspire me on the caption is since I can overcome the past challenges with braveness, so therefore I can do it now and for the present and therefore I can still do it in time to come in other to secure my future, since I understood that true bravery from the caption from the song "Not Afraid" lie in being authentic in what you are doing, resilient in what you are doing and being willing to confront fear with full time courage which is the key and remain what inspired me to achievement and greatness.