The Lingering Echo: Coping with Words You Wish You Could Take Back


The advise Listen before you speak is such that should not be ignored. I think this is why the Bible admonished us to be careful of the tongue which though small, can set fire over a city. There are words that come out of our mouth and only leaves with regrets afterwards.


Coping with such words and their consequences is a challenging but essential part of personal growth. I have an experience to share which narrates how I dealt with the aftermath of a hurtful comment and the steps I took to heal and learn from the experience.

During a particularly stressful period at work, I snapped at a colleague, Derby, who had come to me with a question. "Can't you see I'm busy? Figure it out yourself!" I said harshly. The moment the words left my mouth, I saw Derby's face fall. She walked away without another word, and I was left with a sinking feeling of regret.

The incident haunted me for days. The echo of my harsh words lingered, and I felt a heavy weight of guilt. I knew I needed to make amends, but I also had to cope with my own feelings of remorse. I started by acknowledging my mistake and reflecting on why I had reacted so poorly.

When I finally approached Derby to apologize, I explained my stress and admitted that my response was unacceptable. Derby appreciated the apology, and we had a candid conversation about managing stress and communication in the workplace. The incident became a turning point for both of us, leading to a more supportive and understanding work environment.

It sounds sweet right? I wish the turn of events were just as simple and straightforward as the story sounds, but no, it wasn't.

Coping with words we wish we could take back involves a process of self-reflection, apology, and learning. The lingering echo of regret can serve as a powerful reminder of the impact our words have on others.

In those situations, solution would always come first by acknowledging our mistakes and striving to improve our communication. With this, we can turn moments of regret into opportunities for personal growth and stronger relationships.

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