The uncertain penalty
My first year in school was a very crazy one, we were up to 500 students that were admitted to study a course in a class and it used to be very competitive during lectures because if one didn't go to class 20 minutes before the lecture, there won't be any space to seat and this means that it's either the student stands on the window side and listen from there or the students go the forefront where the lecturer is and sit on the floor.
As rough as the situation was, it was favourable at some point because, during tests (continuous assessment), we could cheat very well especially writing for our friends who weren't around and the lecturer wouldn't know.
But a day came when Mr Nana, our Statistics lecturer held his test. He made sure he squeezed every one of us inside the class, onto the wooden long bench that was supposed to contain 3 on a seat, we were sitting 5 each, the hall was boiling, and we were sweating but it was none of his concern.
"My rules are very simple. I know I can't control cheating here, so do your work but make sure I don't catch you because if I do, it's either the person that wrote the original or the person who copied will fail it" Mr Nana said in his faint voice which most of us at the backseats struggled to hear.
Before then, we had heard that Mr Nana does not take nonsense when it comes to his exams or tests, that he takes his time to mark all the answer booklet one after the other and when he compares and sees that two people wrote the same thing, he scores one zero and leaves the other one.
"So you want to tell me that he'll be able to mark 500 booklets and compare them one after the other. Taaaaah!" Asama, one of the noisiest guys in the backseat said aloud and we all burst into laughter.
Mr Nana went on to write the four questions on the whiteboard, he wrote them very bold so that those of us at the back would be able to see and as soon as he finished writing, the hall turned to marketplace, murmurs that were louder than shouts circulated the hall and Mr Nana, sat at a corner and was smiling.
In the back seat where I was seated, I was the only guy who prepared for the test and as soon as I started writing, I saw heads from necks like that of a zebra, from every angle stretched down to my book.
"Hey guys!" I screamed but my scream didn't go anywhere, it was swallowed by the people who gathered me. The scream came with me closing my booklet which made all the extended heads copying from my booklet stay still.
"You've heard what this man said, what if I fail and you guys pass" My voice sounded pleading.
"Forget that man!"
"You have a soft heart!"
Some of them said in unison and laughed.
"Abeg, let's do it this way, copy but change your grammar" I pleaded.
"Oh, we heard you!" They agreed and we bounced back into writing.
Not quite long after, Mr Nana announced for submission, the class Rep, who was the only person who could collect the booklets, went around fighting and collecting the booklets from all the students. Mr Nana packed them into his car and drove off.
We didn't even think of what the outcome would be because that's not the first test we've had, so we just took it as a normal thing not until after two weeks when Mr Nana came to class with the booklets to return to us.
"Where's Afokaye the class Rep?" He asked after he used his eyes to scan the crowd and couldn't find him.
"He went out" A lady sitting at the front chair replied and he called the lady to come and call the names of the booklet.
The lady went on, climbed on the desk, picked one booklet and instead of calling the name instantly, she burst into laughter and that sent us the signal that Mr Nana did what he said.
She went on to scream the name on the first booklet after she had laughed, "Oghenebrume Harrison!"
Our eyes got fixed on Harrison as he got up and walked to where the lady was to collect his booklet. We saw him, he picked up the booklet, and his face which was once filled with smiles turned sour as he glanced at his score. He angrily squeezed it into his pocket. He got to his seat, carried his bag and left the class.
At that time, my heart left my body while thinking of my life because up to 9 students copied from my work that day and the people didn't mind that that was stealing someone's thunder.
The lady went on to call names and I was expecting that one of the guys who copied from me would collect theirs first but no, I heard my name "Okpala Kingsley!". I got up, took my bag alongside with the intention of walking out of the class in case I got zero, and I walked to her, I picked up the booklet from her and when I saw it, a smile took over my face, I saw '16/20' written boldly there and I decided to walk back to my seat to celebrate my victory with my guys and they hailed me when they saw the score.
The most interesting that is that, among all the nine, there's only one guy who was given Zero. What a bad luck for him!
Thanks for reading.
Credit: fun.miner
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Credit: epic-fail
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These are memories I can't forget in a hurry – large number of students being admitted for a course with little resources. Or is it the survival of the fittest when it's time for lectures? 😁
Good thing you had a good score. Now imagine someone from the blues who had copied you well scored higher than you did? Definitely, you'd devise a new means on where to sit during Mr Nana's test or exams.
You passed through that stage too? It's hell!
During our time, the people I must pitied were those in business school. Their numbers were double of ours and kept imagining their everyday struggle.
If it happened the other way round, only God knows what would have happened to my social life with those people. Lol
Thank you for stopping by T!
I can relate, lol.
I could clearly see your class and the hear the noise. you created a stunning visual with your words that made me chuckle. I loved it
You didn't pass through this setting, I'm sure of it🫣.
Thank you this deraaa🙌
Lol this was a fun memory. Nine of them stole your thunder because of your soft heart. Thankfully Mr Nana was having a soft heart while he marked the scripts. I guess the only guy who scored zero was been affected by his village people 😂😂
That's it. His village people were watching him in the mirror, with remote in their hand controlling his destiny 😅.
Thank you for stopping by
Lol, you're welcome
At least the people copying from you had the brain to change some things😂.
Well you did amazing with your score naw m, a whole 16/20 😅
Yeah, kudos to those guys. But I still doubt if they rephrased their work well because the guys were the 'big boys' in class😅.
Maybe the lecturer decided to be soft a little.
Thank you Maye.
I better stop before I spend 1hr typing your name😅
but it's not that hard to pronounce naw😂😂
One of these days, I'm tracing you to WhatsApp to do a tutorial on it😅
No wahala naw 😂
Hahaha. Students would be students with how they copy each other and not only that, they don't care if the person they are copying from gets zero. I guess most of them didn't rephrase their words while copying from you but you are lucky to get such mark. I was thinking the lecturer would announce that some people's answers were the same. Lol

This kind of thing 😅. I've been there once and at such moment, all the matters is filling the booklet, even if it's rubbish 😅.
I don't know how the lecturer did his work or maybe he gave it to senior students to mark because I'm very sure that those guys, even though they rephrased their words, it can't be everything 😅
Thank you for stopping by
Some lecturers threat has a away of penetrating the minds of the students, even if they are not going to do what they have said, they will surely fetch out a scape goat. You really got lucky because I'm very sure that among the guys that copied you there will surely be one that copied your work word for word.
Pop in from #dreemport
That's how it works.
I doubt if he thoroughly marked the papers as he threatened. The one that fell victim in my group, his village people were watching him in mirror that day😅
Ahh! How I was waiting for you to get zero.
Okay let me be going
Expectation of the unrighteous got caught off😅
Ahh so I’m unrighteous?🤣
As you go futher the number decrease bcuz not all can meet up with school drama
That's how it happened.
Most of them dropped out due to school fees and poor result(advice to repeat)
Thank you for stopping by
Am not surprised 😀