No green vegetables, no meal

Remembering a day when I went to the market to buy some food items for cooking, I took a picture of the vegetables I wanted to use and sent it to @beeeee to show her what I was planning to cook. She went on to tell me that she doesn't like green vegetables and avoids them like a plague.
I laughed and told her that I wasn't surprised because I have siblings like that who don't eat food cooked with green vegetables like pumpkin, bitter leaf, water leaf, etc.

In my house, my dad is the strong man who wants all the food to be cooked with green vegetables, even though my female siblings, who are always in charge of the kitchen, don't like it. He likes vegetables so much that, due to how we were brought up, most of us picked up the trait from him, except for a few of my sisters who found it so difficult untill they adapted.
My dad would even go to the extent of making sure that bitter leaf, which is his favorite, is added to rice. What! Imagine the taste of that!

Saying that he likes green vegetables is an understatement because he made it a must in the house to not cook any meal worth adding vegetables without one.

There was no issue with us getting these vegetables because we had them planted in the backyard, which is just a pluck away.

My sisters would first cook the meal without vegetables and serve out a portion for themselves because adding vegetables to the general soup was a standard law in the house.

On a long practice, my sisters who didn't used to like green veggies in their food got adapted, fell for it, and now they're eating like my dad. That's a huge level of adaptation! 😅😅😅

As for me, I'm very fond of such kind of food where green vegetables are measured with the same quantity as meat in the food. I'm still a bachelor and I still find pleasure in going to the market by myself, buying food items including pumpkin or bitter leaf, and cooking for myself.
There was a day I went to the market, and after I was done buying what I wanted, as I was leaving, I realized I forgot to buy pumpkin, so I turned back and asked the woman to slice some pumpkin for me. She was surprised to know that I wanted to add pumpkin leaf to the soup I was about to cook because, according to her, green vegetables are not welcomed in such soup. I just stylishly shunned her, got my vegetables, and left the scene.

It's a ritual I picked up from home, and I'm glad it's staying with me. I'm surely going to pass it on to my children when they start coming, that's why I'm still looking out for a lady that eats green vegetables to marry so that everything will go hunky-dory.

Yeah, I know some people don't like green vegetables at all, like my friend, Beeeee. I wonder how you guys are coping. Don't tell me you're okay with just fruit vegetables. No! You need to try these greenies and see how good and sweet life is. 😅

Thanks for reading.

| All images are mine |

This is for day 10 of #Aprilinleo prompt.

Do well to read the full details here

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


😂😂😂 just out the advert boldly on your status, serching for wife that eats green and you will see a wife instantly.

I love green leafy Vegetables but it should not be too much especially that bitter leaf. It should be moderate.


And you appeared to be opposite of me.
Bitter leaf that is sweeter than pumpkin leaf.

People don't know good thing 😤



I know that bitter leaf is sweet but the process in washing away its bitter properties is tiring, hence I prefer pumpkin leaves.


Haha, your story made me remember when I was a kid; I detested the bitter taste of bitter leaf, but the more I ate bitter leaf the more I got used to the bitter taste that I even began craving for bitter leaf and adding it to my food.


You were slowly initiated into the system.
So good to know that you love bitter leaf.
That thing is sweeter than pumpkin leaves.



@tomiajax! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (7/20)


Kingsleyy😂😂😂😂 you have finally brought me out!!
