If dreams are real

Greetings, everyone.

There was a period in my life when I argued a lot about the genuineness of dreams, taking them as mere hallucinations and never real. Fellow Nigerians reading this will know fully well how superstitious we are when it comes to dreams.

I abandoned my argument when some references from the Christian religious book (the Bible) were made to me. As a believer in this religion, I adopted the belief in the existence and realness of dreams, but even then, I'm still hesitant to attribute meanings to my dreams.

Oh yeah, I've come to believe that dreams are real, but when it comes to strange and exaggerated interpretations, I don't buy the idea. Never!
Currently, I have a neighbor who pays deep attention to his night dreams and always comes up with weird interpretations. He would have a nightmare, and the next day, he would tell me that he's not going out to hustle for the next three days because the dream is a sign of bad occurrence. Many times, I try not to laugh when he comes with such interpretations, but immediately he leaves, I crack up and laugh out my ribs.

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It's true that what one believes is what happens to him, and I love that the spiritual world is created that way. Of course, I believe that dreams are real, but I don't see myself manifesting any of those shows after sleep. I might have a frightening nightmare and wake up in the middle of the night, and instead of taking anointing oil to anoint everywhere with loud prayers, I would rather log in to Facebook to check which club is topping the Premier League table. Lol😅

There was a time I was discussing with a friend about how I don't give concern to my dreams, be it a nightmare or a good one, and she went on to ask me whether they don't preach about dreams in my church, that's why I haven't been giving attention to dreams. I laughed and waved it off.

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To me, dreams are like overworking of our brain, tiredness of the brain when it has thought a lot about maybe a particular issue bothering one's life or a situation of joyfulness. That's why our dreams are mostly centered on what has been on the brain before that night. This is why a daughter whose mother is sick will go to bed and dream of the death of the mother, and when she wakes up, hell will break loose with all sorts of fear deposited in her heart.

Some are real though with accurate spiritual inclination, but when we don't give in to such dreams, the more we give our hearts peace of mind.

Maybe a dream was actually going to happen, which most times, we don't have the power to reverse or prevent, so why do we need to start feeling it with a tormented heart because of the occurrence of such? There's absolutely no need for that.

As for me, if my dream (nightmare) is going to happen, I wouldn't be bothered before the occurrence; my mind would be at peace, and I love how my body system works with that.

Thank you for reading.

This is for day 14 of #Aprilinleo prompt.

Do well to read the full details here

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Hahaha, it is only you that will have a nightmare, wake up and log into Facebook.

What one believes actually works for that person but I have trained myself to be able to sieve the good from the bad. Good dreams are well received but nightmares (if I have any) are thrown in the garbage and never talked about at all. The only exception is if there is a clear instruction or message about it for someone, that's only one I ponder on it.


You like the food and dislike the bad.
If the good often comes to play, then....

Let me stop here first 😅


I think there is just balance to it. There are actually some dreams that are quite real and there are some that are based on hallucinations


The subject of dreams can't be over talked, while it has proofs of realness, it also doesn't count to a lot of people.

I wonder why we are created with different belief system 😅

Thank you for stopping by
