Dry Season, Harmattan & Rainy season


Talking about the different weather conditions in my part of the world, Nigeria in West Africa, it's funny how all of them clash with my personal preferences regarding how they suit my body and my daily work. The two major climate conditions are the Rainy and Dry seasons. However, in between these two, some other forms of changes occur, especially the Harmattan season, which is associated with the Dry season but does not span the entire dry period.

The Dry season, despite recent changes in weather, lasts from November to around March. Last year, I decided to keep records to determine when it last rained before the Dry season began. I observed that the last rainfall in my area was in early October, and the dry period has lasted until now. Although it has rained 'beggarly' this January, it has not disrupted the effects of the Dry season. Everywhere remains as hot as ever.

The Rainy season mostly occurs from March/April to October. However, changes happen every day, and in recent years, it has not strictly followed this pattern. In my area, rainfall is often concentrated within two to three months, coming so heavily that one might think the clouds will run dry and that there won’t be any rain left for the following year. Lol.

Rainfall is particularly abundant in this area, the southern part of Nigeria.

The Harmattan is one notable weather condition that no Nigerian can skip when discussing the weather. According to what I learned in secondary school, the Harmattan is characterized by winds filled with dust from the Sahara Desert blowing into Nigeria. It is a very windy season, harsh and cold. This is the period when most of us warm water for our morning baths.

Among all these, the weather I prefer most is the Rainy season. Oh my God, I love the wet and cold weather; it always makes me look soft and fresh. The weather provides a pleasant temperature for sleeping at night, and the noise of raindrops on the roof during rainfall is a uniquely sweet experience. It tickles the body into a heavenly state while sleeping. Lol.

That said, the Dry season is better suited to my kind of work. It gives me peace and allows me to work swiftly. I do laundry, and the Rainy season often makes this task troublesome, as I find myself running helter-skelter to pack and unpack clothes under the sun. This is why I prefer the Dry season for my work, but it goes against my personal preference for the Rainy season.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to SCIFI prompt

Photos used are mine


Have you forgotten that during rainy season, you get catarrh and cough🙄?

Both seasons are good for sustenance in their own right.


I think I always go with the spring which is rainy season. It looks so balanced


Rainy season is always conducive for sleeping. The most amazing thing is that it keeps the skin moist and fresh as you said.

Thank you for sharing
