Democracy sucks

As far as I can remember, I have only voted in an election twice, and both times I was forced by my dad to go out and vote because he was the party leader on our street. Being literate, I was made the secretary of the group. Ever since I was born and grew into adulthood, I have never witnessed what could be called a fair election. We only go out to vote to fulfill a sense of obligation, which often comes with the added benefit of receiving a little money. Yes, if you don’t go out to vote, you don’t get the tip.

From that moment on, even when I was still living in my parents' house, I stopped going out to vote. I had grown past the age where I could be persuaded or forced. Of course, during those times, my dad would try to convince me, but his efforts were never effective.

The democratic system in my country is so flawed that the results of elections are often predictable four years ahead, not because the masses are rooting for a candidate, but because the results are decided by the panels of judgment—namely, the INEC. Even now, the next person to hold office in the coming election has already been stamped, and everyone knows it. Nothing can be done about it. If this is the case, then what’s the point of going out to vote?

This is the question that people keep asking, year after year, and I’m sure it will continue until the end of time.

Before the last general election in my country, there was a massive campaign by the people, urging everyone to come out and vote so we could change the system with our votes and the power of the majority. Honestly, the force behind the campaign was overwhelming. It was massive, and for the first time in a long while, I believed the system was about to change, and a fair election was within reach. I almost got my voter’s card ready and was prepared to travel home for the election, but when I saw the game being played by those in power, I realized that the masses could try, but the people in power would still do things on their own terms.

Well, during the election, the masses came out in full force, voting against the 'terror,' but in the end, the 'terror' won. When the result was challenged, he told people that if they were not okay with it, they should go to court. This same court is the one he is very much in control of.

What changes should be made?

I’m not into politics, and I don’t like talking about it because it’s so discouraging. To be very honest, I doubt there’s anything that can be done to remedy the bad state of democracy in the country.

Some may suggest bringing in foreigners to conduct the election, but the corruption is in us already. Even if foreigners were brought in, they too would eventually be corrupted.
Okay, maybe if the current leaders are wiped out, things would take a good turn. But how sure and trustworthy are the "young" ones who are taking over?

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 130, Edition 02 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community



I do not think those your votes even count, because they already know who is occupying the seat.


We should just stop voting.
The worst thing is that, unmentioned amount of money is used in conducting the rubbish election every election year🥲


I have also voted twice and both times my vote was only counted there at the polling centers, the rest is history.


I don't even see the need of us going out to vote in anyway, infact I think they should stop conducting election campaign because is a waste of money and energy .


It's just total waste of everything.
Election is coming up again and it's going to be the same thing.
Thank you for stopping by
