12 Out Of 52: The Shocking Result
I passed through one of the most difficult high schools in my Local Government Area, where failure is highly celebrated by the school because it gives out the identification that it's a standard school that doesn't pass or promote students anyhow, it's only the highly intelligent students that get promoted and anything average intelligence gets to keep repeating the classes. It's a government school with very cheap school fees to the tone of a Maximum of N2,000 per session and this made our parents push us into the school to go and be highly intelligent and even if failures were coming repeatedly, they were not bothered because the school fees is a small thing and it became simpler to them when the government declared free education for up to five years. While it became simpler for the parents, it became tougher for us because the promotion criteria increased and tightly locked. This time, not only the highly intelligent were to get promoted but the extra highly intelligent.
One of those years when we were to be promoted to the final class of the high school, SS3, we sat for the exam, an exam supervised by government officials from headquarters of the education management in the state. The exam questions were tough but solvable because we were taught very well but that doesn't guarantee good scores because the final scores are determined by the strict marking scheme.
After the exams, we went for a one-month holiday and within the holidays, news broke out that the results were out, and out of 52 students in My A Class(Science class) only 12 passed.
"How??? 12 out of 52? Is It even thinkable?" Henry, my closest friend who lives close to my house couldn't believe the news, he said that counting his fingers and showed me his full palm displaying his 10 fingers and added two fingers to make it 12. "It's not possible oooh!" He exclaimed and quickly went to attend to customers that were in their shop.
After like 3mins, he came back to my spot, counted his fingers again, shook his head and began to stammer "That... that.... that means I'm not among. The top intelligent students in the class need to be counted first before me. You could be among them but for me who barely attended class last session, I don't know my fate haha haha" The way he twisted his face while analysing his absenteeism in school got us into loud laughter.
School resumption was just a few days away, and even when I tried to keep my mind from the shocking news, my mind was just settled there with a lot of 'what ifs?'Although it was a free education season, I couldn't stand seeing myself fail and repeating the class or getting shambled by my parents.
School finally resumed and it's the day we were to check the results. We were made to be in queue with whosoever was brave enough to be in the front to go first but no, those of us available were not ready to be in the front, so the line kept scattering with every one of us running to the back playfully. Soon, the Headteacher of our class appeared on the scene and struck his cane on the pole standing as a beam to the building, the noise arrested our attention and instantly everywhere came.
He cleared his throat and began, "Where is the Prefect?"
"He's not around!" We echoed
"Okay, since you guys are scared of who to be at the front, he's supposed to, but since he's not around, one person must be brave enough to be at the front..." He didn't finish his statement, we saw Ikuku as we fondly called him, one of the most stubborn and backseat students walk to the front. Everyone was in awe and we didn't hesitate to start hailing him, "Ikuku! Ikuku!! Ikuku!!!" We could see how 'hulky' he became, with his shoulder raised above his ear section and a proud smile filling his face.
"Okay, come in" The teacher ushered him in as they both went in to get his result. We were eyes open and curious to see the outcome and within some minutes, Ikuku came out with a smiling face, we rushed him to check the paper result in his hand and he passed. "Ikuku!!!!" We hailed him aloud while our minds were running on many thoughts because Ikuku is not among the sharpest tools in the shed, in fact, the name Ikuku is his nick due to how notorious he is in class, he passed unexpectedly, which means either the news we heard about 12 students passing out of 52 were all lies or there must be something wrong.
Due to Ikuku's result, a lot of us who were scared earlier to be at the front ran to the front to queue up. The next student, Celestine, among the toppers in the class, went in and we were eagerly waiting for him to come out and when he did, tears filled his eyes. This paused and scattered the queue again with fear and a lot of thoughts running in our heads. The next 8 students who went in to check after Celestine all came out with tears and anger.
After many times of running out of queue when it got to me, I finally decided to brave in to check and hey, it was a cheer up. I passed!
Another result that got us talking was that of Henry, my friend. He passed and he barely attended school due to how his stepmom always insisted he stay in the shop. No one thought of him passing but he did.
The overall result ended just as the news came out earlier, just 12 of us passed out of 52 students. At the end of the week, a Parent Teacher Association meeting was called to look forward to appealing to the government on the poor result.
Thanks for reading.
Haha funny storyline, is Ikuku what U think it means? omo 12 out of 52 is definitely worth worrying about
!Lolz 😅😅
And Ikuku in Igbo land means Air. The guy is invincible and his result confirmed his name😅.
After the PTA meeting, the result was adjusted to 21 or so but it didn't reach half (26)
Thank you for stopping by
I said is that a fret?
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