Loving Dave

Dave walks into the sitting room, looks at everyone in the sitting room, and walks off. He did not say a word. It was strange because Dave is always happy and respectful. I asked Mr. Victor, "What is wrong?" Mr. Victor looks at me and shakes his head. There was a deaf silence in the room. And everybody stood and left for their rooms. I began to wonder if I was the problem.



Dave is a tall and handsome young man in his early twenties. He is the only son of his parents. He has four sisters, and he is loved by his siblings. His parents make sure he does not lack anything. So his action earlier came as a shock to me. Ruth Dave's elder sister walks into the living room, and I sit next to her. "Ruth, what is the problem?" I asked. Ruth looked at me and smiled. "Mom and Dad have stopped giving Dave his allowance.

"Why?" I asked. "He is using it to buy cocaine." I was shocked by this piece of information.

"Ruth, you must be kidding?" I said. "No, I am serious," Ruth replied. "Dave has been hanging out with some friends who have been influencing him negatively," Ruth said with tears in her eyes. I could not say a word; at this point, I was confused, and my mouth became dry. It felt like I was losing my breath.

I knocked on Dave's door; he opened the door and walked to his bed without saying a word. "Dave, Ruth has told me why Mom and Dad stopped giving you your allowance. They love you, and that is why they are looking out for you," I said with tears in my eyes. Dave looks at me and smiles "You all act as if you guys love me; if you guys really love me, you would allow me to do what I love". "Dave, but you know what you are doing is not good for you," I said. "Get out of my room if you don't have anything to say," Dave said with anger in his voice. I stood and walked away. As I got to the door, I turned and said to him, "We love you and I hope you realize it early before it's too late".

My phone rings, and the voice on the other side is crying, "Ruth, what is the matter?" I asked. "Dave is in the hospital; he has collapsed while doing cocaine". I could not believe my ears, but I knew this was bound to happen💔💔. "He will be fine," I said.

I dressed and left for the hospital. On getting there, I saw everyone sitting, and they all had a worried look on them. "He is not talking or moving," Ruth said. "He will be fine," I said. The doctor walks up to us. "Good afternoon, all. He is in a stable condition. I will suggest that you guys give him time; by tomorrow, he will be better," the doctor said.

Dan sits on the hospital bed with tears in his eyes. He bowed his head and couldn't look at our faces💔. "It's okay," Mr. Victor said, taping Dave's back.

"I am sorry for my actions. I thought you guys hated me. Mom and Dad, when you guys said you stopped my allowance because you guys love me, I did not understand. But now I understand it was tough, love. I appreciate you all for the care and love," Dave said.We had a big family hug🥰❣️💞.

I was happy that Dave finally realized that we truly love him♥️.


The earlier the better for him and am glad he realized it before it gets out of hand.



Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well!


I am glad he got to know the love that surrounded him at last. Doing cocaine isn't a nice way to live life.
