The game of politics is one I have always found to be intriguing, more intriguing when you think about how a bunch of men and women decide how a nation is governed and do everything to ensure they keep the governing power or for some who like to retain it in their family line. Many would call these politicians wicked and incentive forgetting they are just humans after all. Humans have been consumed by the greed of power. This greed has made them do inhuman things at the end of the day. I don't think the issue is just the men in politics, I think the issue springs up from the roots of upbringing.
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I've been privileged to participate in school politics, and church politics as well, and for all I've participated in, I always win. And I don't just win in any position, I'm always in the highest position. But over time I stopped. I did not stop because I didn't like it, I stopped because I was beginning to get infected by the corruption in politics. Politics, no matter the level, is a game of strategy, and not a game of sentiment, if you must win, then you must have a game plan. I've always had my game plan, different plans at different stages for different positions which I can't reveal here hehe. I still plan to get into politics in the future, but before I would do such, I would have to correct what made me stop in the first place.
It's easy to be corrupted by power, I know because I've enjoyed the privileges of power, and thankfully I had good people by my side who were always ready to put me back in line, especially my mum. It's very easy to strategize winning an election and it's super easy to strategize staying in power. However, the hard part is strategizing how to maintain the rule of law, feed the hands that put you in power, and serve the people you were elected to serve. This is difficult because the real political campaign isn't done in public but in secret with those they call godfathers, and political principalities. Your winning ability starts with being able to strike good deals that many strike but end up using their service to the people to pay for the deals that got them the power.
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Everything I just mentioned is some of the basic rules of winning in politics, and the only thing you need to do which is often not as important to winning as the rest is an appeal to the emotions of the masses, which was the strategy used by the labour party presidential candidate in Nigeria’s last presidential election. This is just to make the masses see you as a person who has their interest at heart as you hope to balance the equations with those who have the manipulating power. It's very easy to hate politics, but I don't see myself hating it. Instead, I see myself going into it in the future with a solid game plan. It's not something that would be easy to pull off, but with time it would work.
What I hope to tackle first in politics is my greed which is the major reason I stopped participating. I don't want to be greedy like the politicians we have today, and I don't want to be in a position where I would have to sell my soul for favors man can offer. Instead, I plan to change the situation by trying to put myself in a position where these men would be owing me favors. If they are the ones that owe me, it would be easy to maintain balance in pressure and call the shots. This simply means it will become easy to serve my country like I should.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
I love your ideology and willingness to still dive into politics despite how bad it's, doing this in my opinion gives us and our nation another edge, because I believe the more good and empathetic people we've in politics, the more powerful we'll become to chase out all this terrible and bad eggs in politics.
Great to see you using it as a medium to work on yourself too.
I believe that too, and I hope I can make a positive change when I do
Selfishness is indeed the great cause of corruption in Nigeria.
A beautiful strategy in politics that will sure pave way with the right people around you.
Yeah it is
So, I am free to call you the man of the people.
Having good qualities of a leader is amazing and I believe that's what they see in you before choosing you be their leader.
Well I guess say... But you have every day to prove you are up to the task
Identifying and dealing with the issue of greed in the aspirant and by the aspirant is one thing, but what about the others surrounding the aspirant? It is not impossible, but it may be a difficult task. I believe you will make a difference when your time comes.
I came in from #dreemport.
I believe so too
I have never loved politics, I hate the entire game because of these group called godfather, they're there for their interest. Now that you know a little about politics, I believe you are better prepared for the future.
I still a lot of preparing to do
The higher you go, the tougher challenges you encounter
Yeah right