What's In The Box?
The holiday was great, and as I came back home I was greeted with something I bought before leaving. This was something that I was looking forward to the entire time I was away.
Last night we arrived back home at 2:45-ish in the morning, so there wasn't a hope I'd have been up for going through the stuff then.
This morning I woke up, and with a cup of coffee in hand I was ready to start checking some of this stuff out.
These stands are pretty cool, and 5 for 17 Euros wasn't a bad deal.
They'll be used for taking pictures of some of the games I've been picking up over the last few weeks.
There's this too, which is 50 A5 padded envelopes.
They were 20-ish Euros, so work out at around .40 cent per item, not including ink for filling out addresses and stuff.
In total I could be looking at .60 - .80 cent per parcel.
Sadly though, these aren't big enough for normal game box's, or the small CD case sized ones.
I'll just have to figure out what I can use these things for, and now I'll have to fork out some more cash for the A4 sized ones which should be enough.
Here's one of the games from the bundle, and an example of why I wanted the stands.
Excuse the cluttered background, this isn't what the listings will look like, just a tester.
Having good pictures of your product is key - so they say - and I think these will help a lot in finding some good shots important for game selling.
Sticking to the same formula will be the key to making it quick to take photos, and also show peoplewhat they're getting.
Here's why I wanted multiple of the same stand.
This way, I can photograph everything that comes with the game and show it all off in the same picture.
I also wanted it for this. Showing the back of the disks is important.
Especially since some games come with multiple disks, it's important to show them all off together, rather than taking individual pictures.
Some games I found came like this; in perfect order, apart from the box being damaged.
People who are going to buy a game, would rather have them in good working order.
There are so many listings out there, so you're competing with a lot of people.
Here you can see the damage a bit better.
There are also some games like this, a blank box, with a disk in it and a manual in lou of a front cover.
The box is good, so I decided to do the ole switch-a-rou
It's handy actually, because I can ship just the disk and manual in those stupid A5 parcels I got.
There we go, good as new.
This game is sick, and I'm actually looking forward to, "testing" it.
I'm going to instal, play, and screen shot each one to add into my listings to show it's all in working order.
But, there are a few games I'm looking forward to playing properly... hopefully they don't sell too fast.
Here's a shot of the inside of the box.
I can buy blank box's like this too, so if I need to do that, I will.
Here's a shot of most of the games I picked up in this purchase.
Here is a shot of the rest.
€85 to buy, and have them shipped to me, is great. A bunch of these games seem to be going for €15, €20, or even €25.
So the markup is great.
I need to buy a few more bits before I'm open for business, but, the hardest part - stocking up - is finished.
Now, all I need to do is pick up some small things and I'm good to go.
A4 envelopes, a roll of bubble wrap, fragile tape, and some white cardboard sheets for taking the photos in front of.I also need to clean all of the games box's, and when I do that I'll take some pictures of some of the main games I'm delighted to have picked up in this bundle.
I just had the same idea for making post about the Blue Rays Im starting to buy, just got me 3 so far but I have been planing to take pictures and do a kind of review about it too, buying a stand is on my list of things to get for this posts, as I mention on one of your prev post I doubt they would stop making collectibles and special edition of movies but old ones will be hard to find going up in value, how much I dont know but its more of a novelty than an investment having a movie collection probably same for games? 🤷♂️
Yeah that's the thing, when films aren't on any streaming service then there's more of a market for them.
Which is the same as games, because certain ones can't be bought digitally.
The stands are fairly cheap for the 5 pack, which is plenty.
Oh my goodness all of that in the box🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 I absolutely love the stand man... If I'm looking for a killer game I know the guy to ask 😂😂😂 wow you go taste man
I was delighted about picking this lot up, and while I'm sure I could have get a better price, I think it wasn't too bad.
You must be killin' it out here!
@killerwot just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @theringmaster.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
It was definitely worth it Killer... You're awesome at picking these things 🎮🎮🎮🎮
What a nice surprise, I really hope you enjoy all those things.
Some exciting goodies in there! Personally, I've always had my games purchased virtually as it would be a bit too much to have a CD of the over 3000+ games I own on steam, lol! But it's definitely cool to have them in the real format too.
There are so many that can't be purchased anymore, also there seems to be a resurgance of physical media.
I'm looking forward to testing the waters with the selling.
That's a nice library. Max Payne rocks!
I'm looking forward to having a go of that one, I played the demo years ago but never actually played the full game.
When the first one came out, it was a breakthrough game in terms of game play and narrative. So good!