Some of My Paranormal Experiences... So Far.


Okay, so I've been working in the old Gaol (Jail) - a heritage site here in Ireland - for about 4 months, and it is known to be a haunted hotspot. There have been many documentaries filmed there, and plenty of YouTubers have come to film there too and do some hunting, and in general, many visitors seem to be attracted, by the idea of seeing or hearing something out of the ordinary.


Brief History

The Gaol was built in 1702, while Ireland was under occupation and ran until 1924. For added context, many people would have gotten themselves locked up there back during the famines especially, hoping to get meals. Regular civilians would have gotten about 1 meal, every 3 days, while rebels, and noteworthy prisoners, would have been given 3 meals a day. They'd be kept fit and healthy for their execution.

Normal prisoners - especially during the peak - were put into cells with 15 - 20 other people; before reforms in the 1800s, men, women, and children were locked in cells together. There were no toilets, or wash facilities, so disease was rife.

Around 50 people a day, were dying from disease, execution, and torture. So, as you can imagine, that place's walls have seen some stuff.

The bodies were disposed of in the large river that runs through the town, but fishermen complained that nobody was buying the fish anymore, so new means of disposal were found. Mass graves. There are many all throughout Ireland, and even now, they are uncovered.


Okay, No More History

The point I was making is, that if there are places that are haunted, this is one of them. If places can remember, or if there are locations where tormented souls linger, this is one of them.

When I went in for my interview, my supervisor said, "You're not afraid of ghosts are you?" I laughed, taken aback by the question, but she was being serious.

I replied, "Not really, why? Is the place actually haunted?"

She went on to tell me not to be worried, or surprised if I get my hair pulled, or get the occasional shove when nobody is around.

I'm Going To Preface This. I'm a bit of a sceptic, while I do think that there are many mysteries in this world we don't and maybe, will never know. I don't hold onto beliefs in the paranormal, mainly because I've never experienced anything.

That has kind of changed since working in the Gaol, and I'm a bit shook.

First Experience

This story is a little bit embarrassing, just because it's not that impressive. Basically, a ghost coughed on me.

I was walking along the walkway, on the second level, heading into the ticket room, and there was a speaker to my left playing some music, not too loud, but loud when standing next to it.

As I pass by the speaker, I heard/ felt a cough, right in my left ear; the ear between me and the speaker.

It was louder than the music, and I could feel the breath. I was alone on the walkway. Looking down, I saw that there were some people on the lower level, but unless they coughed, and that sound hit the wall and bounced right into my ear, it was the only way it could be louder than the music.

It's not irrefutable evidence and could be explained away, I'm sure. But, it shook me and left me standing in place, as I looked around to make sense of it.

I told my supervisor, "I think I've had my first experience." Said what happened.

She laughed and said, "Oh yeah, that happens," and carried on about her business.

The other people I work with have had some strange things happen, that they can't explain, and they've shared a few experiences with me.


Second Experience

Today, myself, another colleague, and the caretaker went down to the dungeon to re-attach a head that had fallen on the ground. (Okay, seriously, in what other job can you say that, and mean it?)

We finished up, came back to the ground floor, and were working on fixing a projector, our supervisor walked to the second-level railing - right where my first experience took place - and we chatted for a bit. After a few minutes, she went back to the ticket room, and we carried on.

A few minutes later, I heard her shouting something like, "Come on, guys." or, "Come back, guys."

I looked back and there was nobody there, so I figured she was calling from the ticket room.

The three of us heard it, anyway, and the caretaker said, "She must need us back upstairs."

This is around 10 o'clock, and we don't open until 10:30, so we're the only people here, and we think nothing much of it, finish up and leave.

I was the first to get into the ticket room, and she was just focusing on some paperwork. I asked if she was calling us, and basically just said, "What's up?"

She just looks at me, confused, and says, "No, I wasn't calling you's, I've been concentrating on this stuff." Referring to the papers. The others arrive back and are as weirded out as me.

We talk about it, and each of us say exactly what we heard. It was our supervisor's voice, asking us to come back, no doubt in any of our minds that it was her.

This isn't a new occurrence, but it's the first time I've heard something like this. The others have said that it occasionally happens, I heard stories of theirs where they hear someone calling their name, or asking something, only to find out the person either, wasn't calling them, or in general, wasn't in the building.

We all heard it, it came from that direction, and it is a phrase that our supervisor would use.

What It May Have Been

All of us spoke about it, felt creeped out, started looking up folklore about Mimics, and came to the conclusion, that it's a trickster ghost in Irish folklore, possibly a joker when they were alive, but not harmful.

The other option is that it's a demonic entity that manipulates people by copying other people's voices.

The third option is that we're all schizophrenic and had an audible hallucination together.

We all agree that the first is probably the best option. Nobody minds a little trickster.

Nonetheless, it's some pretty weird stuff and a strange way to start the day.

This post got fairly long, so I couldn't share another thing that happened, so maybe I'll save that until I have another experience or two and add it to the next post on this subject.


I'm sure there's cctv there right? Could try poking around and see if you have any recordings or footage or such events! Could be fun, almost some free marketing if you catch something on video. :^)


That's one thing we didn't even think of checking man. I don't know if they capture audio, but I'm sure they do, so I'll ask them tomorrow morning about it.

At the very least the footage would show each of us reacting at the same time, and our supervisor in the other room working through some paperwork.

Strange stuff anyway, I'm starting to believe in ghosts a lot more since being in that place.


Yeah that'd be worth looking into!

I'm starting to believe in ghosts a lot more since being in that place.

I've had a few weird experiences in the past, nothing in a long time though. But yeah some weird moments that I never could explain.


Huge paranormal nerd and had more than a few experiences myself! A place like that would be teeming with energy, mostly negative emotions! Wouldn't surprise me in the least if there was some "mischievous" spirits around there!

For the mimic there are a bunch of lore based on different cultures around entities like that. The big one that comes to mind are the "mimics" that people claim to hear in the Sucide Forest in Japan that try to take them off the trail!

If nothing of a violent nature has happened ( Like scratches, choking feelings, etc.) I wouldn't worry too much about it!


Yeah, I haven't experienced anything negative like that, and hopefully won't. Whatever is in there is fairly tame based on how it's been so far.

I've never heard of the mimics in the Japanese forest, but that sounds terrifying. In a place as infamous as it is, it doesn't surprise me at all that stuff like that can happen. I wouldn't want to visit it, and hearing about that just gives me another reason why I wouldn't want to go haha

It's very interesting man, and I'm keeping an eye out for anything else that happens. They told me that it could take a few months for them to get used to me, and reveal themselves to me, and after hearing that today, maybe they're ready to start messing around more.


Oh ya people claim that they hear their friends calling their names in the suicide forest in an attempt to get them to go off the trails!

I think opened minded people are more likely to experience the paranormal! I live near a place that is a historical site that is famously haunted also! Even though I never visited it!


Wow looks like you're experiencing some real spooky moments there brother. Places with such history can really make you reconsider ghosts hahaha


Yeah too right, I've be thinking about it a lot more, but luckily the rest of my colleagues are easy going, and have helped me not get too worried about them.


Or your supervisor was playing you guys, she did call you all but pretended it wasn't her 🙃


Well here's the thing, that is a very big possibility, but they take it seriously and don't mess with each other about that kind of stuff. Now, I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but we're all very much of the mindset that we don't joke or mess with each other in that way.

It wasn't outright said when I joined, but there's this kind of unspoken rule. The place is honestly creepy enough, without having to worry about people messing around.

We've all been on the same level, for example, closing up, which we do each evening by calling out, mainly to make sure that no tourists are inside when we lock up, and there has been grumbling, murmuring, and even stamping in the last few months I've been there. Obviously, it's hard to say that it's without a doubt, that it's paranormal in those instances; it could be pipes, the house settling, or anything of that nature, but it is weird no doubt.


My grandmother had a cross on the walls of every room except the bathroom. When I got old enough, I asked her why and she said it was because of "the visitors." We'd actually hear her in the hallway or downstairs arguing with what sounded like an angry woman, and telling her to depart from whence she came.

One day me and my older sister worked up the courage to head downstairs in the dead of night. There, we witnessed grandmom being ordered out of what this entity considered tobe HER house, which of course she refused. Upon ordering the spirit to leave in the name of Jesus, it did.

Turns out a woman had been murdered there over 100 years ago, and didn't want to move on. After all, it was her house.


Wow, that's really interesting man, fighting a ghost for the right to stay in the house.

Thinking about it, I feel bad for spirits who want to remain in their home, and then see strangers moving in.

There certainly are some very strange things in this world that we just can't explain, and potentially won't be able to. I find it very interesting, and it's amazing having a chance to work in a place that has a lot of this kind of stuff going on in it.


That's weird. Obviously the place has some grim history. I don't believe in ghosts, but some situations can freak me out. I'm not saying you are wrong, but perhaps there is some other explanation. I just don't know what that could be. I hope the ghosts are not too malicious.


Thanks man, I hope they're not malicious either, it might be a hard thing to explain while writing out my resignation.

I'm a bit of a sceptic, but I'm fairly open-minded, especially since being down there. I try to explain away most of the weird stuff that happens, and so far there hasn't been much that I can say was truly otherworldly.
