Some New Things For My Collection

Nope, that's not a miniature Slave-1, that's a full sized one from the 80s, but it's dwarfed compared to the behemoth of an AT AT beside it.

Scrolling through FB Marketplace the other day I came across the Slave-1 - which has always been something I wanted to add to my collection - I asked him if he had anything else, and he did.

After some chatting I decided to pick up the AT AT too.

Such a good haul, and I'm delighted about it.

I'll need to find a place to display them.

The Slave-1 opens up to give easy access to the seat.

You can house Boba Fett in there. This set is supposed to come with Han Solo in carbonite, but sadly it didn't have it with it. I'll be able to buy one on eBay though.

The cockpit of the AT AT is really cool, with so many details.

I have an AT AT from the 80s, and one from the 90s, both are fairly similar to each other in their design, this one though - from 2009/2010 blows all of the previous iterations out of the water.

The body can be opened up on both side and the level of detail and the sheer amount of play-ability with something like this is insane.

There are even rope mechanisms that can be used to lower or raise troops into the transport.

There is also a door on either end of the rear, eluding to another room.

Accessible through the back of the transport is a speeder bike and yet another compartment.

I'd say this AT AT could easily hold about 10-20 figures comfortably, without it seeming too over crowded.

The speeder bike is in great nick, and has the design of the older models from the 80s and 90s.

The only thing it doesn't to is blow up at the touch of a button, like the other ones, but that's okay.

It feels kind of fragile, in fact, some of the details of the AT AT do too. I think there is plenty of play-ability with it, but displaying it in a diorama would be best and that's kind of my intention.

When I brought it into the house Kaleb was thrilled, and I got some great photos of him playing around with it, but I was cringing every time he got a bit rough with it. I prayed he wouldn't break anything and luckily he didn't.

I'm going to get my old 90s AT AT out for him to play with, as it's a bit hardier, he can play with this one when he's a bit older.

Beneath the AT AT is yet another feature.

You can access the inside of the ship through the underside and kind of replicate the scene where Luke Skywalker blows it up.

All round, it's a great set, and I'm delighted to have picked it up along side a ship that I've been looking for, for a while.



I wish I'd had the Star Wars toys when they came out. I was more into Action Man then :)


I have a few action men from when I was growing up, but I was never a big fan of them. I had a cool Jeep, and a handful of them

I had a few foot high star wars figures too which were cool, but I never really played with them much
