On Solid Ground - Part 6


Prologue Chapter (Complete)

Part 1

Part 2

Chapter 1 (Complete)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Chapter 2 (Current)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Bubbling sludge surrounded the ship and as he watched carefully he could see the steel of the hull disappear beneath the murky water.

Thorann climbed up the ship. The cold steel moves lightly with each step. It was unstable. Some areas were wet to the touch and jagged plate dug into his hands as he pulled himself up.

"You said they let off a beacon." Triple's voice concealed a playful manner which Thorann had come accustomed to.

"You've got a plan?" He asked as he turned to face him.

As he did, he noticed Triple was tossing a small device in the air and catching it.

"Triple," Thorann said as he stared at it. "What are you doing!?" He asked as he shouted under his breath.

"Just thinking of leaving a little surprise for them." He replied with a grin. "I packed some of this stuff and don't feel like carrying it all. But, it depends on you. It's your ship after all."

Thorann looked down at the hull and threw the open hatch. The last of the bags were pushed up as Doc, the recruit and Bird joined them.

"I don't know," Bird said. "Losing Tera. You can't even get models like this anymore. Also, do you know how much money has been thrown into her?" She frantically said but soon stopped when she looked up at Thorann.

"She served us well," Doc said solemnly. "Hate to see her go like that, but what's better? Leaving her to sink into a swamp and get rusted up and gnawed on by whatever lives on this wastewater planet. Or, leave a fiery wake of destruction." He continued. "Fast, ferocious, and loud. Seems fitting."

"It's on you, Thorann. I know what we I'd like to go out." Triple said, and for the first time his tone was flat, his face straight and his words held real weight to them.

"Plant the charges."
