Job Change

Today one of my colleagues came in and said they handed in their notice, and they're moving on in two weeks. It's sad to see people go, but I wished her well and talked about the new one.

Then, I got thinking about where I stand, and if I want to move on too and find something new entirely.


Old Thoughts

A few months ago, I was in the exact place I am now. I was thinking about the job, and looking into leaving it. But, that was kind of born through frustration.

At the time, I was a bit all over the place mentally. It was around the time the singer in my band passed away, and I was going through a kind of "fuck this," moment.

I was annoyed, and in general, I just wanted to be around my family and close friends. I was pissed off not being able to see anyone as much as I'd like, and I was pissed off that I missed a bunch of opportunities to hang out with Dave before he died.

Then, around that same time, I picked up a second job. I just basically worked my ass off for months. Looking back at it now, it's just a blur.

At the end of January, the other job finished, and I slowed back down. During this slow period, I've been going through the motions, but today, hearing that a colleague is leaving, I feel like I need a change of scenery too.

The Thing That Got Me Really Thinking

As I was having my lunch, my supervisor came in and asked me a couple of questions. Namely, she asked if I was going to be staying there, especially for the summer as things get really busy.

The answer was yeah, but the thoughts were still there.

All I care about right now is having more money. I don't mind the job, I'm good at what I do, and I get along just fine with everyone. It's just not enough, and also, I'm sick of being out of town for it. So, I've started looking and applying for things closer to home, with more hours/ days, and while I don't want to leave them in the lurch where I'm at, I have to do what's right for me.

Ideally, if I could pick up another 2 or 3 days closer to home, and juggle the two jobs, that would be great.

What I'd really like is to work solidly as much as I can until August, save like a motherfucker, and just jack everything in and hibernate for six months with Aimee, Kaleb and the new baby.

At the same time though, I don't want to run myself into the ground. I may have to pick one or the other, and realistically, as it stands now, I think the change of scenery and working closer to home would be my first choice.


I totally get the quandary of staying with the familiar and tolerable versus seeking the unknown. In my case, the job grew intolerable due to administrative changes, but I still haven't found where to land.


I went through something similar with my current place, but I kind of powered through it, even though I hated it for a while and just wanted to up and leave right there.

Diving head-first into the unknown is scary, that's why I'm hoping to get my foot in the door somewhere else to test the waters, while still having the familiar fall back of my current place. It would be tough for a week or so to juggle the two, but it would be worth it. Could you do something similar?


I quit before Christmas.


Oh, good for you, screw being stuck somewhere you don't want to be. I think I need to grow a pair and just take the plunge. Life's too short to sit around, wondering.


It helps if you have an emergency fund saved up to float on.


Whoa you’re having another kiddo?! Congrats man! That’s amazing I wasn’t up to date on that, sorry!

I hear you man, it sucks being away from the family for sure. I’m going to have to do that for a while soon and I’m going to miss seeing my son every day but I’ll still get plenty of time, just not the every day stuff I am used to now.

It’s rough but we do what we have to do and that’s the important thing!

I think personally and professionally we have to do what is best for us, and that also means doing it right by your employer you’re leaving. You never know when you’ll need them again in the future for a reference or something. It’s best not to burn a bridge unnecessarily I think!


Do you commute out of town and back every day you work? If so, the smaller commute being closer to home will save you a ton more time than you expect, which helps you get more of the day with your family and that goes a long way.
